another mission

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WHEN I WOKE UP I figured I was just leaning on Dazai, but when I noticed he was sitting on the floor I quickly sat up. "Sleep well?" Dazai said in that really irritating teasing voice he does. "Please shut up bro." I said to him, assuming he placed us in that position. The two of us kept going back and forth, he would not stop the teasing. We stopped when we noticed Chuuya shifting, he didn't wake up though. he just leaned on me. It was so embarrassing. I couldn't bring myself to move him, I was scared I would wake him up and he looked so peaceful. Plus it was nice to not hear him speak for once. 

I saw a flash out of the corner of my eye. "Dazai. I swear to God if you just took a picture I will beat the shit out of you." He just laughed knowing that I wouldn't move since Chuuya was sleeping on my shoulder. Eventually I got Dazai to move him so I could use the bathroom.

As soon as I stepped back into my room I was used as a human shield, Dazai had held me in front of him. It didn't take me long to figure out why I was being used as shield as I saw a very angry Chuuya running towards us, only stopping to figure out if he should shove me or not, he obviously decided yes because I hit the floor pretty hard. 

As the two ran away I sat on the ground processing what had just happened. I was pulled from my thoughts when Kouyou came up to me. "Y/N? Are you okay? I saw the boys go running and you just sitting here so I figured I'd check on you." she said while extending her hand out to help me stand up. "I'm fine, just thinking that's all." I said and she walked away. 

God I hate Chuuya. 


Things have been exactly the same as they have been since I first was introduced to Chuuya, although in a year of knowing each other the hatred towards each other grew. I hate him. He hates me. Chuuya and Dazai aren't really friends anymore so I don't have to hang out with him as much, we only hang out after missions because we all usually just go to one of our rooms and sleep. 

Me and Chuuya still fought a lot, he loves to make fun of me for being super close to Dazai, what he doesn't know is that Dazai saved my life on multiple occasions, if it weren't for him I would not be alive. Not that Chuuya would care, he probably would say something bitchy like "he should've let you die." or simply saying that he doesn't care. Anyways none of that really matters right now because the three of us are in Mori's office waiting for him to give us a mission.

The mission was killing the leader of some other group, I couldn't care to remember the name. The plan revolved more around Chuuya and I, we were to capture the guy while Dazai was to question and then kill him. As much as I hated working with Chuuya, Mori insisted that we work together. 

We are currently sitting in the bushes waiting for this guy to walk out. Chuuya tapped on my arm, the signal that he saw the leader guy. My ability having something to do with teleportation I grabbed Chuuya's hand teleported us behind the leader and snuck up behind him. Chuuya help the gun to his head "If you do not cooperate with us then I will not hesitate to pull this trigger.' he spoke very seriously. To my surprise he complied. I put him in handcuffs but he had to either have had more cameras than we thought or he had some way to signal his team because we heard two gunshots go off very close by. In about .3 seconds I realized that both had hit me, one grazed my leg and the other hit me in the arm. I collapsed on the ground. "Y/N!" Chuuya shouted. "I'm fine for now, just get him somewhere where he can't escape." I said, my voice strained due to the pain. I don't remember anything else, I had passed out.


I woke up in my bed with a sore arm and leg with Chuuya and Dazai sitting beside my bed. "Hey, your awake.." Dazai said while putting his hand on my cheek. "Yeah... how long was I out?" I asked. "About two days, the doctors said you should be fine, just a lot of rest for now." He said, sounding very relieved. "Can you two stop flirting for a minute? Y/N you literally just woke up." Chuuya said sounding annoyed. "Chuuya why are you even here, you obviously hate me so much. So why don't you just leave." I said, I wasn't lying he hates me so he could just leave. "Y/N I don't-I-" he grunted and walked away. Like he was trying to say something but couldn't. 


Sorry if this chapter sucks, I just wanted to get something out tonight and take advantage and not having homework. New chapter soon and hopefully I think a little more about what to write??? 

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