please don't leave

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AS CHUUYA WALKED OUT I couldn't help but feel bad for practically kicking him out, just kidding, I was glad he left. I know that sounds mean but we just don't get along so I'd rather not see him at the moment. "Y/N I think the two of you should make more of an effort to get along." he said. I didn't know how to respond. Chuuya's always been a dick to me. I've made countless attempts to get along with him but they just never work. I wish we would get along, I really do but it never happens. I gave Dazai a hum in response and looked the other way. "I'm serious Y/N, one day you're going to realize that being friends with him is easier than hating him." he said while placing his hand on mine. As much as I wanted to pull my hand away I couldn't, one because it was the arm I had been shot in and I was in pain, and two because I knew he was right. I would be easier to befriend the ginger boy. "I know Dazai, but I've tried and he hasn't, I'm just sick of putting in effort for someone who doesn't want to even be around me." I said, speaking my mind, I could say whatever and Dazai would hopefully understand. "Y/N, he wouldn't have been in here when you woke up if he didn't want to be around you. Listen. Don't tell him I told you this but, he stayed here the entire time you were out. he slept here Y/N! Just incase you woke up in the middle of the night and needed something. I promise you that he's trying to put in effort and he is aware that you have been making an effort too." Dazai said. I hate Chuuya so much, why does he act like this. He's mean to my face but nice behind my back. "I hate that man." I said. 

I spent the next couple days in my room, with Dazai and sometimes Chuuya, mostly just Dazai. "Hey..." I heard the oh so familiar voice of the very man I hated so very much. "Hi." I responded, trying to get the message that I really didn't want to talk to him in my voice. "Can we talk?" He asked. "If your not going to tell me how terrible I am or how I need to stop "trailing Dazai like a lost puppy" then yes Chuuya. We can talk" I just didn't want to deal with him right now. "I'm sorry about a few days ago, you know when you woke up and everything, I didn't mean to make you mad, I was just maybe sort of worried about you just a little bit." He said while fidgeting with his hands. "Its whatever Chuuya, I'm sorry I kicked you out of my room. I was defiantly being dramatic." I said while laughing at the end, knowing that I was just a little harsh on him. "We good?" he asked while giving me a thumbs up. "Sure." I said while shrugging. He was walking out, he was just going to leave? Not like try to have a conversation? "Chuuya? Do you want to maybe stay for a little and watch TV?" I asked, remembering that Dazai said I should try to get on better terms with him. "Sure." 

We scrolled through movies for a while and ended up agreeing on Men in Black. Chuuya and I barely watched the movie though, we spent most of the time just talking and catching up. We put on Men in Black II and this time we actually watched it, I was starting to feel a little tired and apparently so was Chuuya because I felt his head hit my shoulder. I didn't want to wake him up so I just leaned my head on top of his and eventually fell asleep. 


Things carried on a little differently since that day, me and Chuuya still fought sometimes but we were nicer to each other now, the fights were usually not taken seriously. However tonight was different, no fights, nothing. Just sadness. 

Its been a week since Dazai left. Nobody knew what had happened 100%, he was on a mission when he just disappeared. For the first day or two I thought my bestfriend had died, something just didn't feel right about that though. My theory was that he had just left us. They found Oda's body but not Dazai's, if he was dead they wouldn't have moved him if they just left Oda. I was currently crying in Chuuya's arms, which was strange we had never even hugged before this and here we were. He came in my room to talk about the whole thing with Dazai leaving and I was just sobbing, I could barely breath. He just ran over and now we were both crying. "I just don't understand. Oda wasn't his only friend. He has us too. Chuuya he was my best friend." I said while sobbing, at this point the two of us were convinced Dazai had left the Port Mafia, while I was happy he was able to get out I wish he had told us where he was going, at least if he was safe, or even take us with him. I miss him so much. Chuuya didn't say anything in response he was also crying, he just held me and rubbed my back while we sat there and cried. The last thing I remember is him laying us down before I fell asleep. 

I woke up in Chuuya's arms, he was still sleeping but his grip was strong. There was no way I was going to be able to get up without waking him up so I just went back to sleep. While it felt weird it was also comforting knowing I had someone to go through this through. I wouldn't be going through losing someone I cared about alone this time. I wouldn't go through all the emotions by myself. 

I woke for the second time being lightly shook by Chuuya. "Y/N! Wake up!" he whisper yelled. I hummed in response and turned over. "Y/N, its like 2p.m we have to wake up." He was talking at this point, his voice no longer a whisper. He had a very raspy morning voice. It was low key attractive. "Technically we don't have to wake up." I said while turning back over to face him. If I'm being 100% honest bro looked majestic. "You're right, but we should wake up and not sleep all day." he said while moving a strand of hair off of my face. He was never this touchy, it was still very comforting though. "I know we shouldn't but we totally could. Plus I just want to relax today, yesterday was a lot of crying and I'm exhausted. Also you're very warm and it makes me want to sleep." I said, attempting to close my eyes again. Suddenly Chuuya got up, I wasn't going to get up anytime soon. I soon felt someone pick me up. "We are getting up and that is final." Chuuya said. I have so clue how he had a grip on me since I was swatting at him and kicking my legs. "If you stop kicking, we can go shopping and you can buy whatever." he said. That was enough to get me to stop. I am going to buy a mass amount of clothes.


oh em jee im able to post more than i thought, i had an online day today and it was like the easiest thing ever. I am going to say in the next chapter or so the whole being upset over dazai is going to get worse, im planning on getting into the whole thing where chuuya starts drinking and shit so if yall dont like that then you could either skip around a bit or dont read, I will be putting trigger warnings for stuff in the chapters.  im also going to attempt to not do large time skips as often, i just really wanted to get to the whole dazai leaving bit so i could work more with that. there is also going to be a lot of chuuya and y/n saying they hate each other, both in joking ways and serious ways.

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