shopping with gin

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WITH CHUUYA GONE FOR a while, I had to keep myself busy. Honestly I wanted to spend the day with him, but I'm not the only person he knows, and things don't always go my way. And that is completely okay. I could just hang out with Gin for the day, we haven't hung out alone in forever due to Higuchi tagging along. I don't mind hanging out with Higuchi, but I can relate and get along with Gin much easier. So I pulled out my phone and texted her.



do you wanna go shopping today? im bored 

and the ginger is busy

ginger lover


tachihara is busy too

im assuming their hanging out or smth 



come to my room so we can head outttt

ginger lover

kk! ill be there in a few 


Gin is taking forever. I should probably let Chuuya know that I'm heading out. Just so he knows where I am incase something happens, and so that he knows that I most likely won't be in my room when him and Tachihara are done hanging out. 



just letting you know that im heading out

ill see you later???

ginger cowboy !!

thanks for letting me know my love

and yes i will see you later <3

This man will be the death of me.

I'm not used to being called anything other than my name, shortened versions of my name, and princess by Chuuya. So being called "my love" was very different? It was a good different though, I liked it. I almost feel bad for now having any nickname for him other than ginger. I'll figure out one eventually. 

I heard a knock on the door, opening it up to see Gin. "You ready?" she asked. "Yeah, where do you wanna go?" I asked as we started walking out of the building. "Let's just walk around, if we see anything that looks interesting we'll just go in." she said. I mean that works, I nodded my head in response. 

"Hey that store looks interesting!" I said, pointing to some random clothing store that seemed to have multiple aesthetics. The two of us could come out with one, if not multiple, outfits. "Lets go in." Gin said. As we entered the store she said "Do you wanna pick out an outfit for each other? It'll be fun!" "Why not?" I said in response. We've known each other for a while so we would most likely pick something in each others style. 

We split up, but also stayed close to each other. I would say we spent about an hour and a half looking for outfits for just each other. I feel like I have the perfect outfit for her in my hands. I know she has a great outfit for me too.

the outfit picked for gin:

the outfit picked for gin:

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