chuuya nakahara

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A FEW DAYS AGO, Dazai brought some angry ginger back with him. At first I thought he was a very pretty looking guy, but now I'm not so sure I like him at all. He seem so bitchy and he called me tiny when he first met me, which I find funny because I swear he is the tiniest guy in existence. I am shorter than him but like its funny because Dazai is so tall and he is so tiny. Anyway, Dazai swears that they're friends but they argue all the time. When Chuuya first joined and Dazai found out he was under Kouyou's care he flipped out. Poor Q witnessed it all, I can only imagine how confused they must have felt while watching it all go down. That's around when Dazai introduced us, I see no interest in being friends with Chuuya but Dazai insists that we all hang out. 


The three of us were hanging out by the river. "Dazai, do you remember that one time that Mori found us hanging out here during a mission?" I said while laughing so hard, as the two of us had been looking back on some memories we had together. "Yeah, we got in so much trouble! I swear Mori almost killed us!" Dazai responded, also laughing. The laughing carried on and I guess eventually Chuuya got annoyed since he could hear us through his ear buds and got all mad. 

"God! Would you two shut up already!? I thought we came down here to relax not laugh and bullshit?!" Chuuya yelled. "I personally think this is very relaxing, like a break from everything." I said to the slightly taller ginger man. "Well keep it down. I'm trying to relax my way." he responded. "Chuuya, you know the way we are, so why did you agree to come if you knew this was going to happen?" I asked, in all honesty I wasn't trying to start anything, I was actually curious. "When Dazai asked if I wanted to hang out by the river and relax, I didn't think the most annoying girl I had ever met would be tagging along. I should've figured you where though considering you follow him like a lost puppy, its so annoying!" He practically yelled at me. "Ouch." was all Dazai said while watching this happen, not noticing how much the yelling had actually hurt me. I just stayed silent for like 30 seconds and then got up to leave. 

On the way home I cried a little bit, once I got home I cried some more. Mostly at the fact that someone I thought I could've potentially been friends with just yelled at me and said I was the most annoying girl he has ever met, and semi because I had realized how shitty my entire life was. 

I mean it can't get worse than this. Being born into a mafia, living in the mafia's base, having my parents die, being taken in by some pedo mafia boss, being trained to be some sort of killing machine, finally meeting someone my age, life being good, meeting someone else my age, being called the most annoying girl ever, and realizing my life is going to go back to shit all because some stupid ginger kid my best friend insists on hanging out with. Not only that but this sad, terrible, dangerous place is the only place I have to call a home. 

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door. "Y/N, can I come in? Mori told me to hang out with someone else while he does work." a small voice asked, I know that voice all to well, it was Q. "Yes Q, you are more than welcome to come in." I said. Q was like a younger sibling to me, Mori introduced them to me a while ago and not soon after there was a sibling like bond formed. "Y/N have you been crying?" Q asked me, they sounded confused. "Yeah I have, but that's not important Q, just over some silly things. How was your day?" I asked. We talked about our day, me not mentioning what Chuuya said so I didn't worry Q. 


Dazai came into my room to hang out since he said he didn't like how Chuuya talked to me yesterday. While we were talking about some random shit Chuuya barged into my room. "Yo, Mori is sorta sending us all on a mission or whatever, here are the papers about what we're doing, you can read it on the way there, just follow me I guess." I rolled my eyes while grabbing the papers and handing them to Dazai. 

While walking out I walked just a little closer to Dazai than I normally would due to how uncomfortable I was, and because I had to read the papers. He slid his hand into mine and smiled down at me to reassure me that everything would be fine. I smiled back and we continued walking. Chuuya turned around "Are you two dating or something?" he asked. "Why, jealous of me or something?" Dazai asked. We very obviously didn't have any romantic feelings for each other, Dazai has been doing this ever since we became friends. It was a comfort for the both of us. "No! Friends usually don't hold hands that's all." he said, his face had a slight pinkish-red tint to it. 

Once we got to wherever it was that we were supposed to be, we hid in the bushes waiting for some guy to come out of the building. I wasn't really sitting, I was crouching and I thought I had a pretty good balance until I stated to fall forward. I felt arms wrap around me and pull me back, but it didn't feel like Dazai's arms, his were a lot longer and had bandages. That means it had to have been Chuuya, I wasn't to pleased about this but if he didn't pull me back our position would've been compromised. The weird part was, he didn't let go. I was practically sitting on him and his arms were around me. I couldn't put up a fight or say anything, we had to be very quiet. Dazai took out his phone and took a picture. I am so beating his ass later. 

After we did what we were supposed to, just kill some guy or whatever, me and Chuuya acted like nothing happened back there. I was totally fine with this as it was embarrassing and I was still upset about yesterday. "So what as that whole thing about?" Dazai asked me and Chuuya as all of us walked together. "What was what about?" Chuuya asked in response to the question. "Don't play stupid Chuuya, you were practically holding Y/N back there, which is very weird considering you were being a bitch to her yesterday." Dazai said, he sounded pissed at the end. "She was gonna fall and give away our spot so I pulled her back." Chuuya said, again with that pinkish-red tint to his face. "But you kept your arm around her?" Dazai said, he was very obviously teasing him now. "So?" Chuuya said. I started to block them out and I just checked my phone, Dazai sent the picture he took of me and Chuuya to the group chat he had made with the three of us.  

Once we got back the boys decided to follow me to my room and we watched TV for a while. I eventually fell asleep and the boys also did not so soon after. I fell asleep leaning on Chuuya somehow, I can only imagine Dazai moved the two of us before he fell asleep considering that he sat in-between us. 



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