❥ Dancing On The Daisies

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Very late Valentines Day chapter.

Today is Valentines Day, so I'm going to see Kurapika!

I throw knitted my scarf around my neck, and put the beautifully embroidered blanket I made just for him inside my bag.

I walk down the path of the shattered stone, shrubs, and trees to Kurapika's house. The chilly air blowing through the strands of my hair, and the sun giving me a warm touch through the cold.

I see Kurapika's house and start to speed up almost tripping over my own loose shoelaces, too excited to see him and give him his gift.

I knock on the heavy wooden door of his cabin. The door opens up to my cute blond as he greets me and invites me in. I gladly accept.

He gives me a soft smile as he leads me inside. He grabs my bag from me and places it in a shelf. "Thank you, Kurapika." I say to him with a smile.
"Of course, Love."

"Oh! I have something for you!" I say, excitedly as I rummage through the bag to find the thin but soft blanket.

I take it out, still neatly folded and hand it to him. His face lights up as he runs his hand aross the fuzzy paterns.

"I've been working on this, just for you."

Kurapika unfolds it to see the complete pattern and he gives me a loving look. "It's beautiful, Y/n."

He sets the fabric on the back of the couch behind him, and hugs me tightly. I hug him back, wrapping my arms around him.

He lets go of me and starts to speak again. "Come, I have something to show you as well." He holds his hand out to me.

I take his hand and pulls me to the small valley beind his house. His house was almost like it was concealing what was hidden beyond it, like a gate to the heavens.

The valley was littered with bright yellow and white flowers as the sun shone across the petals, it's mesmerizing, so pretty I think I could start floating.

He pulls me to him and slowly starts to spin me around. My dress swaying with our movements as we dance on the daisies.

He twirls me around him and I hold my dress up, making sure I don't trip.

He tips me over and kisses me slowly and passionately. Then he pulls away, as much as I yearn for more.

"I will never stop loving you, Y/n."

Kurapika x Reader - OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now