❥ Kurapikas Birthday

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Note : Yummy late birthday chapter. Only a week late.

I gently shake Kurapika awake, which doesn't seem to be working. He stirs and flops over, groaning. "C'mon, Pika. Wake up, I made you breakfast." I calmly say, masking my annoyance of him not wanting to wake up. His eyes dart open as soon as my words leave my mouth.

"Huh?" He immediately sits up. I place the tray in his lap, along with a fork and a knife. "You can eat in the bed today." I smile. He stares at the mound of pancakes in front of him, topped with a strawberry. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek before running to the kitchen.

I grab a glass from the cabinet and pour him some water with some ice. I bring it right to him and set it on the nightstand.

"Thank you, dear." He says softly and gives me a warm smile. I sit on the other side of the bed and watch as he digs into his food.

"Hey, Kurapika." I call his name. He looks over at me with his cheeks stuffed full of pancake. I giggle and wipe some whipped cream off his face. He swallows the big bite and stares at me. "Are you laughing at me?" He says, sounding offended.

"Haha, no. You're just so cute." I scoot closer to him. I hug him tightly. "You know that today's your birthday, right?" I ask. "Hm? Are you sure? It already happened last year." He says.

"Kurapika, they happen every year. Where have you been?" I playfully slap his head. He hugs me back, squeezing me tightly. I let out a struggling groan as I try to break from his grasp.

"I can't breathe.." I say. He lets me go. "I'm sorry, Are you okay?" He asks. "Yeah, you need to loosen your grip. You're gonna kill me one day."

I stand up and take the tray from him. I stand and wait for him to finish his water before giving it to me. I take the dishes to the kitchen and wash them, then putting them on a rack to dry.

I go back to the room and face him. "I already have your suit layed out, it's ironed and everything." I say, pointing at the top of the dresser. He nods his head before I leave, letting him change.

Once he comes back out of the room, I grab his hand. I blush as I see him in a suit, along with his chains wrapped around his right hand, the one that I'm holding.

"So what are we going to do today?" He asks.
"I'll be honest, I didn't think of that. I just thought of making you breakfast and I couldn't decide anything else." I admit.

"That's okay." He says. He grabs my face and kisses me slowly. I pull away from him. "So are we just gonna stay home? I mean I can invite the others." I say.

His eyes widen with a big smile. I assume that's what he wants. I pull out my phone and dial Leorios number. He picks up right away. "Hey is anything wrong?" He asks.

"No, get over here. It's Kurapikas birthday. And make sure to bring Gon and Killua, and I don't know maybe a gift." I whisper the last words. "Ok, will do." Says Leorio and ends the call.

I sit on the couch with Kurapika for about 15 minutes until we hear a knock on the door. Followed by a ton more knocking. I fling the door open. "Come inside." I step out of the way, allowing them in.

Leorio sits on the end of the couch, while Gon and Killua are already ruining my pantry. A few minutes of thumping and things being torn apart later, they come back, satisfied with the snacks they found.

The sit on the floor in from the tv, somehow it's already on and they're playing video games. I sit down in the middle of Leorio and Kurapika, but closer do my dearest.
I lean my head against his shoulder, closing my eyes. But all I hear is bickering.

My eyes dart back open and I sigh.

"Leorio, are you hungry?" I ask.
"Yeah I could eat something." He replies.
"Well you can go look through the kitchen for something if you want."

I close my eyes again, still leaning against Kurapikas shoulder. A minute later I hear Leorio shout,"Hey, what's with this cake?!" He shouts. I lift my head up. "Leave it alone! You can't have it!" I call back.

"Aww.." I hear him say, disappointed.

A few hours pass of hanging out and talking, playing games and other things. I stand up. "It's time!" I say excitedly. "Huh?" They all look at me confused. I sigh. "C'mon, it's Kurapikas birthday, it's time for the cake!" I shout with a big smile.

"So that is why there was a cake. Haha, my bad." Says Leorio.
"Cake?! Yes!" Both of the younger ones run to the dining room.

I pull out the cake and bring it to the table with silverware and plates. I light the candles that are on top of the cake. "Come here." I drag Kurapika to my side.  "Make a wish." I smile. "Are you serious? That's childish." He says.
"You have to."

He sighs and blows out the candles, closing his eyes. He open his eyes again, smiling at me me. I give him a quick peck before he sits back down.

"Gross! Go do that somewhere else!" Killua shouts. I roll my eyes at him.

I look at Kurapika. "It's your birthday, do you want to cut it?" I ask, waving the knife in my hand around.
"N-no." He blushes. "Ok, then."

I cut the first slice on a plate with a fork and hard it to Kurapika. "Vanilla, your favorite." I say. I see him wet his lips.

I cut everyone a piece, then lastly cut mine. I sit down next to Kurapika. Everyone digs into their cake, along with loud laughter of the boys.

I sit in silence, thinking about how lucky I am to have him. "Hey, are you alright? You're being pretty quiet." Kurapika pokes my shoulder. "Oh, yes, I'm fine." I give him a hug in his seat.

"Are you finished with your cake?" I ask him. He nods his head. "I want more though." I frown at him. "You can't have more tonight, you'll get sick. You already had a big piece."
"Yeah ok.." He grumbles.

I take the plates up and wash them, then put the cake away.
After the boys leave, I start to clean the mess they made. How can just three people make such a mess? I mean I guess Kurapika helped make it as well.

I feel a hand on my back. I turn around to see Kurapika. "You don't have to do this tonight. I'll help you tomorrow, let's go to bed."

I get dressed into my pajamas and lay in bed with him, snuggling up to him. "Happy birthday." I mumble into his chest.

The morning light flood the room, I open my eyes and squint from the brightness shining in my face. I notice Kurapika sitting up in front of me.

"Can I have that cake now?"

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