❥ Firefly

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After hours and hours of running through a dimmly lit, hollow tunnel, a light shines as I reach the end. The shadows of the people before me cast down shapes through the blinding– almost forgotten light.

I rest my hands on my knees as I pass through, panting, desperately gasping for air. My body aches and my legs and back throb from the constant running.

It seems I even lost my friends in the chatting crowd too.

I look around and see the top of a blond male's head, then shuffle by the other participants. Even with his brightly colored tabard, I still had a hard time spotting him.

I approach him and tap his shoulder, he jolts his head around and them lets out a small breath, forming a smile.

He nods and I nod back, I keep my hand on his warm shoulder so I don't lose him again.

A short but annoying argument breaks out between who the real leader is and who isn't, it seems like just as it started, it ended just as quickly.

A let out a sigh of relief and we continue on with the next phase.

The fog is like a treacherous sand storm, hiding the danger it may hide.

I held onto Kurapika's hand for dear life, afraid to let go and get lost. Because I may never be found, even with a location chip in our numbered tag.

You can never trust that.

I hear a growl in my ear and let out an uncontrollable yelp, running much faster and dragging him. Until the fog fades and I rub my eyes to make sure it's really true that's it over.

Less participants last and I stand there with fear still written on my face, while Kurapika's remains determined and stern. I should've never taken this exam. I'm not fit to be a hunter.

With the next few phases passing by so fast, I'm now all on my own. In a remote forest, fresh off of a ship.

I walk with my hands twiddled together, wary of my opponents. I've only heard the rustling of small animals, yet it still made me jump.

I find a nice tree to camp in, climbing up and sitting on the thick and sturdy branch. I take off my bag and pull out small jar with only a few pieces of candy left in it. I decide to eat it while I observe.

Eating them was not worth it, I have a small stomach ache now. If you're hungry, just don't eat candy, eat some real food. I should have already known that.

Minute after minute passes and nothing is around me, except for glowing orange fireflies, buzzing their butt around me. The small light illuminates the tree with a soft glow. I decide the carefully open up the now-empty jar and swiftly capture one of the fireflies in the glass container.

It buzzes around, trying to find a way out, then I hold the small light in my hand.

Then something suddenly jumps on me, making me, the jar, and my bag fall to the dirty grass ground.

I scream as I see a man, that I didn't recognize, flip my number badge between his fingers. My eyes widen as I realize I have pretty much no weapon, and no way to get it back without jumping right on him.

Something yanks the mysterious man back. A dull wooden is pressed to his throat, holding him back and the person takes
the badges he has.

I remember the swords to belong to Kurapika, and then he twists the stranger's neck, he collapses onto the ground with a gasp.

Kurapika approaches me with a smile and my heart pounds, both with excitement and relief. He hands me two of the badges, then keeps one for himself. Now we both enough to pass this phase.

I put a hand on his shoulder. "Thank you so much, Kura." I used his nickname that I kept as a personal one, I didn't think I was going to share it.

He nods in understanding or something, and I look over at all my stuff spilled from my bag on the floor. I bend over in front of him and put them back in, along with the badges in a more secure pocket. I slug it over my shoulder and pick up the dirty jar with the firefly.

I wipe it off with my shirt and hand it to him. "Here, please have this, I think it's cute, maybe as a nightlight." I smile warmly at him as he takes it. I notice a slight pink blush on his cheeks as he admires it.

"They're such interesting insects," he comments and puts it in his white satchel to his hip.

The days pass by and I was hardly surviving with barely any food and water. You'd think they would give you some, and you'd think this would be illegal. But no.

On the airship back to the mainland, I sit next to Kurapika, who has wrapped himself in a blanket. The lights had been turned off and the only light in the area if from the enormous windows, the stars and moon shining their glimmer through the glass.

The blond reaches for his satchel, then pulls out the small container, setting it next to him. The firefly's bottom lights up and it flies around the jar, making a cute light.

Kurapika tilts his head back and leans so his head faces me, his adams apple bobbing slightly as he speaks in a low, quiet manner. "Goodnight, Y/n. Sleep well," He mummers then closes his eyes. His words make me blush, there's just something about him that makes him so special.

I place my hand gently over his, his skin soft and warm. He doesn't seem to notice or bother and I lock my fingers into his.

Of course, the moment has to be ruined by Leorio. He hocks up a ball of mucus and snores loudly.

I shake my head in disappointment and put my ear plugs in, then lean my head on Kurapika's shoulder, slowly drifting off with the light of the firefly.


I would make these longer but I have hard time staying with the details. I feel nauseous all day for the past 2-3 weeks. I'll still update.

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