❥ Captive

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Warning: violence/ disturbing themes

I walk down the street in my pretty blue dress, approaching the ice cream stand. I look up the board that says all the flavors, it doesn't matter because I already know what kind I'll get.

I point at the one of the buckets below a glass screen, "That one, mint please."

The man smiles at me and puts out his cigarette in the ashtray next to him. He grabs me a cone and scoops the ice cream for me, it's overflowing with the dessert, dripping already.

"Any toppings?" The man serving the stand asks. I would get a few toppings, but I don't have enough money for that. I shake my head, "Nope."

He hands me the cone with a small paper wrapping around it.

"That'll be one dollar, miss."

I hand him a few coins and run off, walking down the street back to my house. I look down at my feet as I walk, licking my sweet as well.

Someone taps my shoulder then grabs me when I reach a lone street. I gasp and turn around to see a man in a navy blue suit, which is uncommon in this area.

Could he possibly be going to a funeral? Maybe a wedding? Or maybe he's a hunter.

He holds up a container with multiple slots for different flavors of sprinkles while he also holds an ice cream in hand. "Do you need an extra topping?"

He probably saw how I didn't have enough money to buy toppings. Is that why he's asking?

His smile is sweet, I've never seen such kindness from a stranger. But instead of accepting, I kindly decline his offer and begin to walk away again.

He grabs me arm and prevents me from leaving, "No, I'm not letting you off so easily."

My eyes widen and I scream in terror as he puts a hand over my mouth and he picks me up, I drop my ice cream cone on the concrete. Both of us abandon our sweets on the sidewalk.

I struggle against his strength, but I cannot match with how strong he is.

I squirm and open my mouth slightly and lick his palm in hopes he'll pull away. He retracts his hand from my mouth and wipes it on his blazer, I take it as the chance to shout for help.

"Help me! Please, help!! Somebody!" I shout in desperation while my voice breaks. Tears stream down my face as he carries me to his car by the side of the road. I kick my legs back and forth.

I wriggle around and try to escape, I fail again.

He throws me in the backseat and chains suddenly appear out of nowhere, wrapping themselves around my body. The cold metal wraps around my head to hold my jaw in place so I can't open up to scream.

He sits in the drivers seat and starts the car before pulling to the main road rather quickly. I pant as I lay down in the old backseat, there's some old trash on the floor and some dirt and scum on the seat. And that I have to lay in.

I quietly cry and lean my head against the leather cushion.

"Be quiet," The man commands. I sniffle and release another sob before stopping. I see his grip on the wheel tighen and he suddenly slams the breaks, making me nearly fall off the seat.

He leaves the car and comes to my side, opening it and slugging me over his shoulder then carrying me inside a building that I'm not familiar with.

I whimper to him in desperation as he carries me down a set of stairs. He slaps my bottom harshly in response, making me yelp. It's enough to make me cry, and even more as he seems to carry me into a basement. The first thing I notice is the blood all over the floor, it's definitely dried though.

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