❥ My Hero

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I've really been enjoying the new Zelda game and Kurapika and Link look alike so I decided I would make this. -this contains slight spoilers.

Traditional Gerudo music is played by a few women sitting in a circle near the front gate as we walk past. I knew this would work, all Kurapika needed was a vai outfit to fit in. The long hair and the feminine look really helps him. The guards didn't even give a second glance.

Our feet shuffle across the scuffy ground as we walk by, small children run by us. "Vasaaq!" They shout to us newcomers and chase after one another.

Their playful presence makes me smile and Kurapika seems to be distracted by the jewelry shop.

He pulls me over by my hand, causing me to stumble and be lead over to the store. A woman with jewelry littering her waist, neck, and head holds her hand up in a way to greet us.

"Sav'saaba, 'names Isha. Are you young vai interested in the jewelry I have here?"

We both look at each others then turn back to her. Kurapika nods and leads me inside.

My eyes glimmer as I see the shimmery jewels placed in carefully to the expensive materials. Something seems to catch his eye too, it seems to be a pair of yellow earrings.

"Ma'am, what are these earrings?" I speak out to Isha, the owner of the store.

She walks closer and smirks. "Those are the Topaz Earrings, selling for 1200 rupees. They grant resistance against shock or electricity."

I nod in understanding then looks at Kurapika. It's cost is extreme. But it's gorgeous and you can't find these anywhere else.

"Hm... They are gorgeous, but maybe we should check out something che-"

"We'll be purchasing them." Kurapika interrupts.

The lady raises her eyebrows. "Oh! Then come to the front desk I'll get you packed up."

I look at Kurapika with wide eyes. "Why'd you say that...? We can't afford this!" I whisper-shout to him.

He pulls out a small baggy from him pocket of extra cash and takes out 3 gold rupees, 2 silver rupees, and 2 purple rupees. He hands them to Isha as she finishes packing the earrings.

His confidence is immediately wiped off his face as he struggles to pronounce his words.


"Sarqso, he means." I stop him from embarrassing himself even further.

Isha giggles and smiles, her ruby red hair moving with her movements. "Well then, sav'orq!"

We leave the store with the baggy and a left to the direction of the right side of Gerudo Town.

I point to the sign that says The Noble Canteen.

"Psst. We should go get drinks there. I heard from a friend that their signature drink is so good!" I say and lean in close to him.

He looks at the sign, then nods. "Ok fine, we'll go."

We walk up the steps on the side of the building to the bar and walk up to the front with a huge excited smile.

An older short woman stands there with her arms crossed, smirking. "Looks like someone's excited. I don't blame you."

I nod. "We both wanna try the Noble Pursuit!" I say and look over at Kurapika, who seems to be going along with whatever I'm saying.

"Both? This lady by your side looks a little young to have anything alcoholic." She gestures at Kurapika.

"He-She is 19... She is of age to drink!" I argue and point at his features but not too closely to give away that he's a man.

She squints her eyes at him, then sighs. "It's not my job to argue about age and I can tell you both are interested in trying this. You ladies are outsiders, so I'll let it slide."

My eyes light up and I turn around to look at Kurapika. "Oh my, I am so excited!"

He laughs and puts a hand on my shoulder, I can hear the lady behind me making the drinks.

A minute later she slides us our drinks and we take them and pay. We walk out and sip from our drinks. It's amazing just like I expected.

"I'm glad we for this, it's quite the refresher." Kurapika says and sips from his as well, trying to savor it.

"Hey, there's like nobody in the Gerudo shelter. We should go get some privacy in there." Kurapika agrees and follows my lead.

We walk down the sandy worn down steps and head through the entrance. He takes a look around and I do as well. I spot a sign that says there's a lounge where they had The Noble Canteen while in the shelter.

We head inside and just as I was hoping, the blankets and pillows are still there. I sit down on the hard ground on one of the covers with Kurapika and cross my leg over the other.

The dim light of the latern beside us shines on Kurapika's face, making his hair look like real gold.

The flame flutters and makes the shadows shake. We can finally have our alone time on our trip to Gerudo Town, it was very hectic on our journey here, but I'm was grateful to have a break after running from the Gibdos.

It's not like we had it bad though, I heard everyone was cramped into this small emergency shelter. I enjoyed the stay much more than my hometown, Hateno Village. A massive argument broke out and all I heard was bickering back and forth.

I'm surprised. A few people on our way here asked to take photos with us and it turns out they mistaken him for the hero of Hyrule.

Thankfully Kurapika used his dowsing chain to help us on our way here. I was afraid of getting lost in those sand shrouds.

Now, we're here and we're calm. My hand is linked with Kurapika's, while our others are holding a fresh Noble Pursuit from the canteen.

We lay on the old decorated blankets covering the dusted, compacted sandstone in the underground canteen while sipping our drink. The moon is rising, red and bright, just like his eyes. I'm glad I'm able to sleep well now.

Knowing that I'm protected by the love of my life.

He grabs the bag with the Topaz Earrings and brushes my hair away. He clips them in my ears and turns my head towards him.

"You looks beautiful..." he mutters and traces my bottom lip with his thumb.

Kurapika leans in and places a soft kiss on my lips, setting down his glass on floor. The taste of his fruit flavored drink passes to my tongue, filling me with delight. Even though our drinks are the same, it tastes better coming from him.

He pulls away and strokes my cheeks lovingly, I lean my head against his shoulder and close my eyes. He positions my body so we're both laying down, he accidentally kicks his glass, making it spill.

He chuckles and lays next to me, pulling me close. He seems unbothered by the wasted drink and whispersin my ear, "I love you, Y/n..."

His words cause me to blush, and it happens every single time he says that. I nuzzle my nose into his neck and mumble. "I love you too, Kura."

Even with the loud growls of the monsters being revived beyond the thick walls, I still think I'll sleep better than ever with Kurapika by my side.

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