❥ Nail Painting

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I sit on our bed next the dim glow of the lamp, the fabric shade a beautiful design of flowers and leaves like the comforter on the bed.

I dip the small brush in the bottle of nail polish and smear it on my nails, focused on making no mistakes. After I finish the nails on my left hand and let them dry, I softly blow on them.

Once they're about half-dry, I start on the second coat of my right hand, going over with the paint carefully again.

After I finished my nails, I look at them, looking for any mistakes or anything that got rubbed off. I blow on them again.

Just as I finish, my dearest boyfriend cracks the door, peaking around the corner to make sure I was okay first. He steps in. "Oh, Hey (Y/n), how are you doing?" He asks softly as he slowly walks over to me.

"I'm just painting my nails, Honey." I say and look up at him. "I can paint yours if you'd like."

He sits next to me and chuckles. "I've never had my nails painted before." He gives me a nervous look.

"Well, Kurapika, today can be the first time." I smile at him. "I guess so.." he smiles back at me. "Yay! Let's get started." I say excitedly and clap my hands a little.

Kurapika scoots closer to me as I grab his hand and look at his plain nails. I grab the pink color and shake a it little. "Pink...?" He asks me and gives me a puzzled look.

"Of course. It'll look good on you." I smirk and he gives me a worried look. "Quit worrying about it, if you don't like it you can always remove it." I reassure him.

I take the small brush out of it and glaze the cold paint across Kurapika's nails. As soon as the first coat is done on both hands, I let him go and tell him to lightly blow on them. He does as told and blows on them while looking at what I did to them.

"Ok, that's enough." I say and grab his hands again, admiring the veins that scim the back of his palm and his slim, long fingers.

I start layering the second coat, bringing his hand closer to my face so I can focus better. Then the second layer of them is done. And surprisingly, none dripped on the bedding, which is good. I'd hate for it to stain.

"All done! You can dry them now." I tell him with a wide smile. Kurapika stairs at them them continues to blow on them, repeating the process.

I stop him when they dry and he holds his hands out for me to look at them. "They're perfect!" I exclaim and lean over to hug him.

He puts his hands and my cheeks and kisses me, both of us slowly falling back onto the mattress as he deepens it. He holds the back of my head and puts arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

I moan into the kiss from how rough he presses me against him. I put one of my hands on his suited shoulder, and my other hand entangles with his blond hair.

He pushes my body closer to his, if it's even possible at this point. He groans as our tongues meet. He relaxes his head against the bed as I lay on top of him.

We pull away, panting for air, I notice a tint of red gleam in his eyes.

He pulls me back down again and opens my lips with his tongue, allowing us to meet again.

We moan into the kiss again, and again, he pulls me close to him. He tugs at the hair on the back of my head.

"Hey! We brought pizza!!" We immediately pull away to see Gon, Killua, and Leorio in the doorway. I stare back at them, surprised that they just busted in.

"Oh.. Uhh... Sorry guys." I say and hop of Kurapika, who has a shocked and flustered face. Leorio smirks, Killua has a face full of disgust, and Gon is still smiling cheerfully while holding a bunch of boxes of pizza.

Kurapika sits up and wipes the drool from the corner of his mouth, shifting awkwardly before standing up with me.

We go out to the living room and eat our late dinner silently.

"So are we going to act like we didn't just catch whatever those two were doing?" Killua asks and points at us.

"No, we won't speak of this again." Leorio sighs. Gon still digging into his food, clearly not hearing a single word that's getting passed around.

"Yeah, just shut up and eat.." I mutter under my breath.

Killua roles his eyes. "You two are gross, lock the door next time."


Note : I'm trying to make my chapters longer. This was originally going to be a fluff chapter, but I kinda got carried away with this one. Also, I always take requests so feel free to tell me your ideas.

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