❥ Umbrella Man

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Everytime I post a lemon it gets more reads than the other chapters? You are too horny.

Rain scatters and puddles on the sidewalk in front of me, drenching my hair as well. I cross my legs with a frown as the liquid wets my work clothes. It was my mistake I did not check the weather before heading out, I should have brought an umbrella with me.

I clutch my purse tightly to attempt to prevent any rain from damaging its contents. I watch as the cars pass and splash water close to me. I flinch each time.

I feel like giving up while waiting for my bus ride and going back home, until something covers me. I can see the shadow on my lap.

I look up to see a blond male holding an umbrella over my head and letting himself get drenched instead. I smile at the kind act.

I scoot over on the bench to wet side, letting my pants absorb the water so he can sit next to me on the dry area where I just was.

"You did not need to do that," He first says and takes the invitation to sit down.

However, I ignore that. "Thank you, sir. I was so worried I would be wet for work," I thank him and shake my head while looking down at my lap.

He nods and barely smiles at me. "Of course, a lady, who clearly put a lot of money into her clothes, should not be soaking up the rain." He speaks.

He scoots closer to me so the umbrella can cover us both. "I'm Kurapika, you?"

"Y/n. Where are you headed to?" I ask curiously.

Kurapika seems to be taking a second to come up with a response. "The Hunter's Association." He finally says.

My jaw drops.

"Y-You're a hunter? A professional hunter even?!" I blush at the idea that I'm talking to one. He nods in response, my heart flips out.

"I cannot believe it! I've never met one before!" I cross my legs, trying to prevent my body from moving with excitement.

Just as I am about to speak again, I cut myself off. "I- Uh... I apologize for that, I just get very excited over new things..."

Kurapika pats my shoulder and smiles warmly, "It's fine. People don't normally react that way, but I find it amusing."

I clear my throat to remain calm. "So if you make so much money, shouldn't you be in a car rather than taking a bus?"

He shrugs. "The parking lot is busy there, I'd rather not get lost finding my car." I nod in understanding, it definitely makes sense.

"Ah, I see..."

After that comes silence, I watch as the water droplets bounce of the umbrella top. Making a slight pattering noise.

The brakes of the bus squeal as it slows down in front of our stop, the doors opening.

I stand up with Kurapika, he lowers the umbrella and closes it as he steps inside with me. I take a seat with him and he sits on the outside. I decide to start up another conversation with him.

"How old are you? Where are you from?" The bus begins to drive towards our destination. I see the person across the isle give me a strange look.

"I'm only 19, and I came from Lukso Province," he responds. I nod although I really have no idea where that is.

"Oh, we are the same age." I smile and laugh.

After around 10 minutes of chatting, the bus stops. Kurapika stands up, "this is my stop, I hope to see you again soon."

I wave him goodbye as I walks to the front, then he steps off.
He fades... he fades? His body disappears the second he steps off, fading like dust.

My mouth is agape with shock and cover it. Was I just talking to a ghost? I saw it with my own eyes. How did the rain not get on me then?

I know there is a cemetery nearby that stop. I guess I'll just have to visit him, won't I?

Kurapika x Reader - OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now