❥ Halloween

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I place a pan full of fresh pumpkin shaped cookies on top of the stove and slip off the oven mitt. I hang it by its loop on a hook attached to the stove. The sweet smell of sugar fills my nostrils.

I scoop them onto a platter with a spatula and then wash my hands. It didn't take long for Gon to smell the sweetness, and come running down the stairs.

"Hey! What did you make?" Gon asks as he peers over the other side of the counter.

"I made some pumpkin cookies with some sprinkles on them too." I say, showing him the platter full of cookies waiting to be eaten. "But they need to cool down first, of course. They're still steaming," I warn.

As I turn around to place some more cookie dough down, I see Gon sneak one out of the corner of my eye and run away. It's not like stopping him will do anything, anyway.

I roll out some more dough and place the cookie cutters down on it, lightly pressing. As I bend down to slide them into the oven, I hear someone's footsteps across the room.

I close the oven door and turn around to see Leorio, he's slipping on his shoes and he's in a costume.

"Where are you going, handsome~?" I tease him with a playful voice.

He blushes and looks away. "I'm going to a party down the street, I heard there's gonna be some pretty girls there. Maybe tonight I'll get lucky!" He seems proud with a huge smile, while I am disappointed slightly.

"Aww... I thought you were going to take Gon and Killua trick or treating with me and Kurapika." I frown.

"You two are enough to look after them, you'll be fine," he says and shrugs his shoulders at me.

I cross my arms and put my weight onto one leg, my hip shifting out. "I wouldn't be so sure about that, they can cause a wreck if we take even a second looking away from them."

Leorio grabs his keys and shoves them in his pocket. "Then just don't look away. If anything goes wrong, just don't call me, I don't want my time with a girl being ruined by your problems."

I roll my eyes and scoff. "Yeah yeah. Whatever, just go already. They'll be treats waiting for you when you come back."

He gives me a thumbs up and heads out the door in his costume.

I sigh and shake my head as he leaves. Spray some whipped cream in small dallops ontop the pumpkin pie I made earlier, then cover it and put it in the fridge.

Just in time, the oven goes off, the second batch of cookies is done.

I slide on the oven mitt and bend over again, opening the oven door. I hear even more footsteps, I just know it's Kurapika this time. He always tries to make his sound quiet, it works to little avail every single time.

Does everyone really have to come whenever I'm bent down? I sigh and shake my head, taking out the baking sheet, placing it atop the stove and scooping them off like the last batch.

"That smells really good," Kurapika says as he peeks over my shoulder.

"Good, these will be our sweets for tonight. After trick or treating, of course." I say.

Kurapika clears his throat. "I uh... I heard you call Leorio 'handsome' earlier. What was that about? Do you have some sort of relationship with him that you're keeping secret from me?" He questions in suspicion.

I laugh it off, "of course not, I was just teasing him for going to a party. Also, he changed his mind about going with us."

I feel kiss my neck and whisper, "good."

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