❥ Angels Don't Cry

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My sensitive skin flinches, his chilling fingers rubbing my jawline, he tilts my head up towards his face.

A shiver runs through my spine as he gently places a kiss like a soft petal landing. Silent tears stream down my swollen cheeks.

"Shouldn't you know that angels don't cry?" He says in my ear in a low tone.


"-Shh..." The man interrupts with a simple finger on my lips.

The dark haired male squeezes my thigh, I let out a soft cry. Drool dribbles from the corner of my mouth, he brings his thumb from my jaw to my mouth to swipe it away.

I wouldn't be in this situation if it weren't for Kurapika.

Dread fills in the deepest pits of my heart, long after his has been with filled with black charcoal.

He leans fowards and presses his lips to my earlobe, shifting me to lay across his lap. The white fur of his coat tickles my neck as he mutters sinister words into my ear.

"Those little strings... you think you play them well. You may have tried to prove your love to him-"

"-Shut up! I do love him!" I interrupt.

He places his hand over my mouth to silence me while he finishes.

"He's no puppet. Face it, your heart is as black as mine." He whispers.

He smiles down at me, it's nothing but the smile of the devil trying to play sweet. He takes a few strands of my hair between his fingers and twirls it.

"You're such a beauty, it's a shame you gave your heart to a disgusting Kurta."

My eyes burn as more acidic tears form in them. The drip from my waterline. What he speaks isn't wrong, but not completely true.

"You'll never find someone to love you with that controlling demeanor of yours. -Exept for me of course."

Is this the reason he trapped me and took me?

I trust him too easily, like a foolish mouse seeking cheese from a trap.

He tilts his head and leans in for another kiss. I squeeze my eyes shut and lean my head back to get away, though his grip is like steel.

With my neck now revealed, he kisses down my jaw and towards my neck. I clench my teeth and slam my head down on the top of his head.

He hisses in pain and backs away from my face.

"You've got an answer for everything, don't you?" He chuckles.

"Lucilfer! Just let me go dammit!" I shout, panting as his grip tightens around my ribs.

A pang of force around my torso causes me to gasp, but right before taking in the air, it all gets knocked out of me. A loud crack rings in my ear with a terrible sharp pain in my ribs, shooting down my side.

I let out a loud blood curdling scream of agony with the small amount of air that is getting let into my lungs with the damage.

Chrollo holds me close to him and whispers harshly in my ear. "This is what you deserve, this is all your fault. I've told you ever since you joined the troupe to let your feelings run numb."

I hear a small rattle behind the thumping in my ears. The room turns with a an ear-piercing silence, both of us searching for the cause of that noise.

"Come out!" Chrollo shouts.

I feel a strange tingling in my body, I realize he activated his Nen.

From what I can tell, he can't sense anything. Whoever is here with us is probably using Zetsu.

I let out a groan of pain as it turns into a dull throbbing.

My breathing is unsteady as I gasp for all the air I can get, as much as I said before in the previous months I've worked with the Phantom Troupe that I would sacrifice my life for our success, I'm greedy for air now.

I new force knocks me to the ground off of Chrollo's lap.

I look up at Chrollo through blurry vision, he's wrapped in chains, his body trembling from the ever growing tightness of them.

It must be Kurapika, here to save me!

Scarlet eyes shine in the dark shadows of the abandoned apartment complex, crumbling and withered. Slowly approaching.

Kurapika yanks on the chain, causing Chrollo to choke up chunky blood from his mouth. My eyes make everything appear darker than what's in my view really is, like a black tint.

I hear Chrollo choke loudly and collapse onto floor behind my distorted vision. Kurapika's chains rattle as he approaches me.

He kneels beside me and lifts up my head with his palms, the coolness of the metal brushing against my cheeks and ears.

My weezy breaths blow against him, he catches my difficulty and looks at me with concern.

"Where is it hurting?" Kurapika questions in a husky voice, his throat sounding dry.

My hand trails from my side to the side of my chest, gentle roaming my hand over the sensitive area. I wince, giving him a sign that's the spot.

I see a faint glow around Kurapika's right hand, I feel his chilled chains wrapping around my torso.

I grab his wrist and try to push it away. "No, don't waste it..." I mutter, my throat letting up a rasp.

"I'm not going to let your injury kill you, now relax," Kurapika says and pushes my wrist off of his. I lean my head back and allow myself to feel my injuries heal, to feel the pressure be taken off my chest.

I sigh in relief and look up at him. "Thank you," I say.

He grabs the bottom of my shirt to lift it up, trying to see if there's any more injuries. There's no use in stopping him now, he'll get his way one way or another.

Kurapika's eyes flash a deeper scarlet than I've ever seen before as he looks at the large tattoo of a spider on the center of my chest.

His chains immediately summon tightly around my body. I sigh in defeat, knowing this time would come no matter how hard I tried to prevent it.

I gasp as the cold dagger at the end of his chain pierces through the skin over my heart.

"I really thought I found the perfect girl in you." He says, then jerks his hand, causing the sharp dagger to pierce a major artery in my heart.

I stare at Kurapika's face for as long as my body will hold itself up before death. He's the last thing I want to see in my life, past and in the next.

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