❥ Parenthood

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Kurapika sighed, his palm holding up his head as he lazily leaned it to the side. He stared at the bright computer screen in the dark, while he wished it was darker, he didn't know how to turn down the brightness.

He switched tabs and opened up his settings, scrolling through every possible control, but still not finding it. He sighed again, slowling his laptop while staring at the keyboard of it, but stopping half way.

His drooping eyes widen, he felt like a fool as he saw the two buttons on the keyboard that looked liked a big sun, and a small moon.

Kurapika opened up his computer fully again, clicking the button to see if it was the right thing. It was, the brightness turned down. He quietly slapped a palm on his forehead, scolding himself in his head for being so dumb.

Kurapika leaned forward closed the empty tab, sending him back to the original thing he was working on. He clicked a few things, but there was a blocker on his screen saying "Hunter's License required for access."

He sighed yet again and pulled it out of wallet that was on his nightstand, getting out his license and scanning the card against the scanner on his laptop. It didn't work. He kept swiping it repeatedly, his brows furrowing in annoyance.

He leaned his head back, taking a deep breath to cool himself before trying again. "Is it too dark in here for it to work...?" He asked quietly, careful not to wake up the woman in the bed next to him.

The male jumped as one of the kids suddenly ran into the room screaming, "Daddy!!"

'It's the middle of the night, he shouldn't be awake...'

The little boy ran up to him, climbing on the bed then hugging onto Kurapika for dear life. Y/n stirred in her sleep next to them then jolted up. She immediately looked at them with shock and worry.

The young boy crawled off Kurapika then onto Y/n like their bed was a playground. "Oh, Pairo, what's wrong? What has upset you?" The wife asks sweetly to the boy, stroking his blond hair and holding him close.

Pairo sobs into her chest, she looks exhausted, but he looks shaken up.

He clutches the side of her nightgown with his small hands. "I-I had a scary dream!" He cries.

Kurapika scoot closer to both of them after putting his computer on his nightstand, hugging them in my arms then pulling away after a moment. Y/n takes a tissue from nearby and puts it up to his nose, speaking in a soothing tone, "Alright, blow."

As she says, the boy blows into the tissue. Y/n folds it up and wipes his nose.

"Better?" She asks.

"Better." He responds.

She kisses the top of his head then looks at him with loving eyes, "Do you wanna sleep with us tonight?" She asks gently.

He nods and climbs in the middle, making Kurapika scoot back over to his side.

He didn't enjoy being bothered, but this was his child and he couldn't stay annoyed at him. This is what parenthood is after all.

With his bright laptop closed and shut down, he couldn't see them anymore. He could only see the faint shadows from the moonlight shining through the windows. The stars were rather bright tonight, casting a soft glowing reflection off the window and to the floor.

He could only feel the shifting of their little boy between their bodies, trying to comfortable under the warm covers.

Kurapika let out a quiet sigh, scooting down the bed and lifting the covers above himself as well. He lays on his side, facing the two and puts his arm under his pillow, wishing it wasn't so flat.

His slightly annoyed expression returned to being calm as he drifted off with the lovely presence of his little family beside him.

Kurapika x Reader - OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now