❥ Last Dance

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My fingers interlock with his, calloused but wrinkly. His body shorter and worn down from the years of hard work and his age has finally caught up to him.

I see a faint smile on Kurapika's lips, but his eyes are still the same firm dark-grey ones I looked at for the first time... 65 years ago.

As if bound by his chains, we were never pulled apart, through high and low, and even through the biggest storm.

I put a hand on Kurapika's shoulder as his other hand snakes around my waist. I feel almost bad for not slipping into a nice dress, while he put on his fine Hunter Association suit from many years ago, before he retired from his draining career.

I look down to make sure my feet aren't going to trample his, and then give him the signal to start. He begins to slowly spin me around, moving each muscle to suit the soft music in the background. My body weak and fragile, on the verge of death, but somehow still having my last dance with him before we pass.

Even in my old nightgown that I wore all day, my movements with the swaying of the fabric were just as good as the ones at the Nostrade balls. Those times were stressful, yet glorious.

Kurapika takes his hand off my waist and twirls me around, making me lose my balance before regaining it quickly, as well as a little wave of nausea.

I giggle with my now–broken voice and he begins to spin me in his arms at a faster pace. Our dancing movements are elegant but slightly misstepped, forgetting pieces of the rhythm from long ago.

His movements are a little tight from the restriction of his old suit, which he clearly grew out of while aging.

The music slowly comes to an end and his movements slow as well, then, he suddenly tips me over. My back forcing an arch as I am bent over his arm, a tinge of pink blush forms on my wrinkled cheeks.

Kurapika kisses me softly with his chapped lips, they've always been chapped, he never took good care of them. Ever since he was a confident young man. Maybe it's why his friend, Leorio, was more respected in the association than him.

I feel like I'm in a state of bliss, between heaven and earth in this fulfilling kiss. Although I'm not ready to die, I'm ready to die with him.

And him only.

He slowly pulls away, I stroke his silver hair with my hand and he stands me up correctly again.

I smile at him and straighten out my dress, laughing softly.

"That was the best dance I've had with you."


I've been trying to post as much as I can, but I've been really sick lately.

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