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ring! riiiiiiiiing!

ring! riiiiiiiiing!


"hello?", a gorgeous blonde haired girl with a pair of crystal blue eyes answered, pressing her cellphone on her pierced ear. a raspy male's voice came over the speaker, "hello, blondie. would you like to play a game?"

"oh haha, real funny, Mindy.", she laughed sarcastically into the cellphone. on the other end of the line, a laugh of a girl came over. "seriously, dude, you're no fun to prank anymore.", Mindy said from the other end of the call.

she chuckled, getting up from her bed and making her way towards the door, "maybe you should think of better jokes. you know, it's really not cool to joke about my trauma like that."

outside the hall, she was met by her mother - Sheriff Judy Hicks - who mouthed 'who's that?' while making a cellphone sign with her hand. her mom was still in her uniform since she had just came back from work.

"right, sorry.", Mindy apologized.

"it's Mindy.", she whispered to her mother who nodded and headed off to the dining room where they both found her younger brother, Wes, already setting the table for dinner. "it's fine. i'll see you soon, Minds. bye.", she ended the call and sat down at her usual seat at their table. Wes spoke up, "who was is, Abby?"

"it was Mindy. she was just playing around as usual.", she replied. before her mother could say anything as always, she added, "don't worry. i'm fine. plus, everything that happened was like years ago, i can barely remember most of it."

"i know, sweetie. but still, trauma is not easily brushed off.", her mother stated, taking her daughter's hand into hers. "yeah, but i'm fine, really.", Abby assured, stretching out her lips into a small smile.

suddenly, Judy's phone started ringing and it was from the station. the older woman picked her phone up and answered it, "Sheriff Hicks." she stayed silent for a few seconds before she jumped out of her seat and started running towards the door. "mom, what's going on?", Abby asked in panic despite it being somewhat a bit normal for her mother to be running around doing her job.

"there was an attack at the Carpenters'. stay here, kids.", Judy said sternly before heading out the door. the two Hicks siblings turned to each other, eyes wide in fear as they both muttered, "Tara."

the following morning, the two Hicks siblings were up and about first thing.

"do you wanna call her?", Wes asked, peering up at his sister who was seating on top of the kitchen counter.

Abby took a deep breath, fumbling the fabric of her cycling shorts as she bit her lip nervously. her eyes fixed on the phone in her brother's hand. she could feel her heartbeat racing and Wes noticed this.

"i'll do it then. relax, 'kay? it'll be fine, i'll call her.", Wes assured as he got up and patted his older sister caringly before walking out the room to make the call. Abby smiled gratefully and responded, "thanks, Wes.", as she watched him exit.
she felt herself relax a bit, but not enough for her to stop thinking.

thinking about her;

Sam Carpenter - Tara's older sister.

and thinking about both Sam and Tara was flooding in memories of her past. memories from years ago; memories of ghostfaces.

it sometimes still felt like she never left that house or that night.

Abby let out deep breaths as she clutched her fists tightly, trying to calm herself down. her heart was pounding in her chest, her breathing was getting more prominent, her chest and shoulders heaved up and down, and her mind scrambling out of all the fear and anxiety.

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐌𝐄, sam carpenterWhere stories live. Discover now