Chapter 4

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*Laura's POV*


I looked to where Chrissy was staring...

"Omg..." Was all I could say...


"Lucas?!" I asked surprised. Lucas was my long lost twin, my parents didn't want a boy in the family they only wanted girls. So they sent him up for adoption when we were only 7 and Chrissy was 4.

"I'm back babes." He smiled. He still looked exactly like me, and his hair was still brown.

"What are you doing here?" Chrissy asked him as we all went in for a hug.

"I am living here now, I asked mom and she said yes." Lucas told me. I nodded.

"Where are you going to stay?" I asked Lucas.

"Same room as you, obvi." Lucas laughed.

"I'm sleepy after babysitting." I yawned.

"Goodnight." He said.

"Promise after this you will never leave me?" I asked him.

"I promise." He said as he kissed my forehead.

- Next Morning -

"Laura wake the fuck up!" Lucas yelled jumping up and down on my bed.

"Fine, I'm up." I said getting up.

"Where's mom and dad?" Lucas asked. When he mentioned dad I could feel tears welling up.

"Dads... Hospital..." Was all I could say before tears came rolling down my face.

"Laura, I'm sorry." I he said and hugged me. When I stopped crying I went to the bathroom and covered my bruises and got dressed into:
Pale pink fuzzy jumper
Black jeans
Black converse

"How's Nash and them?" Lucas asked as I walked out the bathroom. I could feel tears in my eyes again.

"They are fine, all they do is bully me." I told him. He gawped.
"Why are they bullying you?" Lucas asked me. I shrugged and we walked to school. On the way we heard a honk behind us, Lucas and I turned around. There driving was Nash and his mates.

"Lucas! Mate! You're back!" Nash shouted.

"Can we go?" I pulled on Lucas' sleeve.

"Look little whore here is scared." Taylor laughed.

"Lucas!" I shouted. Wrong move, Lucas got frustrated.

"Leave me alone! I wanna talk to Nash!" Lucas yelled and slapped me. The burning pain on the side of my cheek hurt a lot. I can't believe he slapped me... It's all Nash's fault, he ruined my whole life!

"I thought you were on my side. You have changed..." I looked at disappointedly and ran to school crying. While the boys just laughed. I got to school and went to my locker.

"Hey what's wrong?" Jack J asked me empathetically, pulling me to the side. I gasped and tried to get him to let me go. I don't want him to hurt me.

"Let me go!" I shouted. "Don't hurt me."

"Don't worry I won't, tell me what's wrong." Jack J asked me kindly. I couldn't see any lies in his eyes so I trusted him, for once...

"Lucas is back... He's on Nash's side. He slapped me." I wavered. He gave me a quick hug.

"It's going to be okay." Jack J comforted. To be honest, Jack J was not one of my bullies he would just stand there and watch, I knew he felt sad for me.

"Let's go to class." Jack J smiled. I smiled back, I still haven't forgiven him but he's nicer than anyone else.

We got to class and everyone stared at us walk in.

"Hey look, the whore is friends with Jack J!" Matt laughed. I just blushed and went to my seat, luckily it was next to Johnson and the wall.

"Leave me alone Matt! You have ruined my life enough, I can't even make fucking friends without you guys judging me." I said as I hit Matt on the head. He looked so surprised snd he backed away.

- Lunch -

"Hey." I said as I sat next to Becky.

"Hi." She whispered. Someone suddenly came to sit with us, I looked up and it was Johnson.

"Hey." He smiled, I smiled back.

"Why are you sitting with me? Your friends will make fun of you." I told him. He just shrugged.

"I don't really care anymore, I hate them always bullying you for no reason." Jack said.

"Hey look! Johnson is sitting with that bitch." Kim shouted. Great, the girls are now getting involved. Kim was the most popular girl in the school, she has 2 minions/best friends their names are Stacey and Jesse.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled at them.

"Why should we? Johnson is mine, and you know that!" Jesse shouted. She had straight orange hair and freckles.

"Oh really? Why didn't he say that then?" I said as I walked over to them confidently, well... At least I tried to.

"Because he doesn't want to tell an annoying skank like you." Jesse said.

"Or maybe he hates you and wants you to die." I told her. I looked over a Johnson who was still sitting at the table, he gave me thumbs up encouragingly.

"Oh that's it you bitch." Jesse said as she slapped my face really weakly.

"Is that all you got? That was pretty weak, like your flirting skills! No wonder Jack was never attracted you such a slut." I laughed.

"At least it's better than your face!" Kim shouted in my face.

"Really? Because I remember that you were jealous of my face." I said, in 6th grade she confessed that she was jealous of my looks, then she got plastic surgery and became the most popular girl in the school.

"Ha, whatever." Kim said. She turned to look at Nash and made puppy eyes at Nash, Nash stood up and walked over to me. He was taller and stronger than me, but I know his weak spot. I kneed him where the sun don't shine.

"Argh! You fucking bitch!" He yelled while grabbing his crotch.

"You deserved that for bullying me!" I yelled at his face. I turned my back and walked back to my seat, head held high.

"Good job." Johnson laughed and high fives me.

"Thank you." I giggled.

"Look I'm sorry." He said looking into my eyes.

"You don't need to be sorry, you did nothing wrong." I smiled.

"Can we be friends then?" He asked me.

"Yeah, of course! Just don't betray me." I said.

"I promise." He said, I hope he doesn't do what Lucas does...

At least I didn't get beat up today...

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