CHAPTER 1: Wake-up Call

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Kyle opened his eyes to the beeping of his alarm clock. He sleepily hit the off button and grabbed his phone off the nightstand, recoiling at the bright light. A few notifications popped up, and Kyle opened his messages.

Xx.Raven.xX: Dude my dad gave me alcohol [10:22pm]
Xx.Raven.xX: You should come over [10:22pm]
Xx.Raven.xX Tried to call you [10:23pm]
Xx.Raven.xX: Kyleeee [10:31pm]
Xx.Raven.xX Tried to call you [10:45pm]
Xx.Raven.xX Tried to call you [2:27am]
Xx.Raven.xX: I hate myself [3:12am]
Xx.Raven.xX: I think im actually gonna do it [3:14am]
Xx.Raven.xX: Tried to call you [3:14am]
Xx.Raven.xX: I love you Kyle [3:16am]

Fear filled the teen as he stared at the messages. He was frozen in place, seemingly unable to move as the words played over and over in his head.

After what felt like ages Kyle got up, getting dressed in a green hoodie under an orange sweater, and threw his matted hair in a loose ponytail. He grabbed his bookbag and ushanka before making his way to the dining room.

"Morning." Ike was sitting at the table, enjoying some latkes and scrambled eggs. "G'morning," Kyle shakily replied as he dropped his bag on the ground and sat beside his brother.

Mrs. Broflovski set down a plate in front of him. "Are you okay Kyle? You look sick," She asked and pushed up Kyle's hat, feeling his forehead. "Y-Yeah mama, I'm fine."

"Okay then," She replied, walking back towards the kitchen. Kyle shovels the food in his mouth and walks into the kitchen, putting his plate away and grabbing the Xanax and Risperdal from beside the sink.

It was easy to remember if it was there. He took the medication and walked back to the dining room, grabbing his bag and getting Ike out the door.

The two get into a car, Kyle turning the ignition and backing out of the driveway, turning right towards Kenny's house. "Here Ike, text Kenny." Kyle handed Ike his phone.

"Kay. Can I play games?" Ike sent Kenny a quick "otw" and opened Minecraft, clicking on the most recent world. "Sure," Kyle replied as he pulled into SoDoSoPa.

KingLesbian: Otw [7:36am]
Straight.OutThe.Ghetto: poggers im getting karen fed

Kenny opened his front door as Kyle pulled into the driveway. Karen rushed towards the car, jumping in the backseat as Kenny walked to the passenger side and got in. "Forgot your bag, Kare-Bear," He said, handing her the pink school bag. "Oops! Thanks Kenny!" She smiled and grabbed the bag from his hand.

"Stan texted me last night." Kyle looked at Kenny once he started down the road towards the school. "It was..upsetting. Ike, phone." Ike gave a groan of disapproval, but handed Kyle the phone anyways. He opened messages and handed it to Kenny.

"Dude.." Kenny stared at the messages. He handed the phone back to Kyle and looked out the window. The houses were zipping by in a blur, he was barely able to make them out. He was scared that he wouldn't see Stan in class.

They pull up to the elementary, letting Karen and Ike out. Then they make their way to South Park High. Kyle parks the car and the two get out, walking to their respective classes. Kyle anxiously sat at his desk, rapping his fingers and bouncing his leg.

Straight.OutThe.Ghetto: dude hes not here [8:39am]
Straight.OutThe.Ghetto: ik hes late a lot but not usually this late [8:40am]
KingLesbian: Fuck fuck fuck [8:43am]
KingLesbian: I'm gonna call him from the bathroom [8:45 am]

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