CHAPTER 9: I Will Help You Swim

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Kenny smiles as he knocks on Marjorine's window. The girl opens it and lets xem in, giving him a tight hug. "Hey, Kenny!" She says. Marjorine walks to her bedroom door and clicks the lock, just in case her parents decided to come check on her.

"How's being grounded?" Kenny asks with a goofy smile across his face.

"Same as every other time I'm grounded," She says as they walk to their closet and open it. "Wanna see this new dress I got? It's Hello Kitty!!" Kenny agrees and She goes into her closet, shutting the door. After a moment she returns wearing a light pink dress with embroidered cats on it.

"Woah." Kenny looks at Marjorine in awe, it thought she was absolutely beautiful. "What do you think?" He was silent. She smiled and twirled around, letting the dress fly around with them.

"You're beautiful..." She says quietly, looking at Marjorine's happy face.

"Oh! I have something," She pulls a cardboard box out of her closet and drags it to Kenny. "These don't fit me anymore, I thought Karen might like them!" Marjorine smiles. Kenny stands up and starts looking through the box of clothes.

"Thanks, Marji." He sits beside her on the floor. "Your hair is growing out quickly, that's good," He says. "Yeah, I'm really happy about it." She smiles as xe puts xer hand into their hair, feeling where the shaved sides were growing. Kenny looks upwards at her, grinning. They stare for a moment before moving closer to each other, and into a kiss.


"Butters! Open this door right now!"

Her heart dropped. "Get in the closet," She whispered and pushed Kenny towards the closet door. Xe got in and quickly shut it. "Coming, Dad! One second, I'm changing!"

"Leopold Stotch, if you don't open the door right now—" The doorframe cracks and the door opens. Marjorine stands, frozen with fear, and stares at the man in front of her. "What the fuck are you wearing?!"


"Are you trying to go to hell?!" Stephen steps closer. "What is wrong with you, Butters?! I thought we fixed you at camp!" Even closer.

"D—Dad, I—"

"Shut up! I don't want to hear another word out of you!" He was close enough to her that he could reach her. Marjorine stepped back out of fear, but Stephen grabbed their wrist.

Kenny's fight-or-flight instinct kicked in and he slammed open the closet door and pushed Stephen away from her. The man looked at Kenny angrily and grabbed him by the arm and held him. "What is this?! Now you're hiding people in your room? That's it! You're going back to Camp New Grace!"

Marjorine nods in submission, and she sits on her bed with tears pricking at her eyes. "And you," Stephen said as he glared at Kenny. "Get out of my house! If I ever see you here again I'm calling the police!" He drags the boy out of the room and shoves xem out the front door. He reaches for his phone and texts Marjorine quickly.

str8.outthe.ghetto: txt me if u can [10:11 pm]

At school the next day, Kenny rushed to his classroom the moment they got out of the car. Marjorine hadn't texted xem, so he could only assume the worst. They hadn't even read his message. He saw the teen sitting at her desk, propping her head up with her hand and staring off blankly.

"Marjorine! What happened?" She looked up, and for a moment, she seemed to light up. "U-Uh, I'm going back to New Grace. And he took all my girl clothes and my phone, and he took away my hello kitty plush that I use to sleep so I was awake all night—" He looks at her, upset.

"What are you gonna do?"

"I guess I'm going back to that awful place. Maybe I'll see Bradley. That'd be nice." She smiles at the thought of the childhood friend. Kenny sits down in the seat next to them. "I'm also getting a haircut after school. He's gonna get it all cut off."

"I—I'll be waiting for you, Marji. Please don't do anything stupid while you're in there."

"I won't."

"I love you. Please hang in there. You can do this."

"I...I love you too. A lot."

6 Weeks Later

"Kenny, get the mail!" Carol yells from the kitchen. It got up and went outside, getting the mail out of the mailbox. Once he got inside, he noticed a letter addressed to him. Xe opened it and went to his room to read it.

Dear Kenny,
We got to write letters home! I'm writing to you because my dad doesn't want to hear from me until I'm "cured". I hope you're doing good. Bradley is here, but he's not doing very well. I have to hold his hands away from his mouth sometimes from how anxious he gets. I feel really bad for him. He told me that his parents caught him kissing someone, and that's why he's back. He's really quiet most of the time. Anyways, I really miss you. If I act like I'm cured, they'll let me out soon! When I get back, I'm giving you the biggest hug ever!

With so much love,
Butters (they made me write that.)

Tears flow from the teen's eyes. He missed her. Kenny let his thoughts run wild, thinking about how much he hates Marjorine's father. It hated him so much. How could someone as beautiful and amazing as Marjorine come from someone as horrible and shitty as him? Kenny's eyes droop and she falls asleep as sunlight shines bright through the window.

I love the front bottoms so much guys

Words: 952


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