Chapter 13: Haircuts

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Triple Date 😋😋
str8.outthe.ghetto: ok made the gc 😁👍 [4:21 pm]
KingLesbian: So, what's the plan? [4:22 pm]
wendy.testa.burger: I was thinking we could have a picnic at Stark's Pond maybe? [4:22 pm]
KingLesbian: That sounds good to me. [4:23 pm]
am.i.dislexic: I like that idea! 😸 [4:25 pm]
str8.outthe.ghetto: works for me😋😋 [4:26 pm]
Xx.Raven.xX: good idea :) I can make sandwiches [4:26 pm]
wendy.testa.burger: sweet! How's tomorrow at 1? [4:27 pm]

Kyle finally stepped into his bedroom after the long day of school. He stared at the red spot on the carpeted floor, the disgusting memories flooding his mind. He pulled out his phone and called Stan.

"Hey, dude— uh— babe— no dude. Hey dude." Kyle would laugh at Stan and make fun if he wasn't currently trying to not have a panic attack. "What's up?"

"Come over," He said, his voice strained slightly. "I need you to cut my hair, please."

Stan was shocked. Kyle hadn't had a haircut since he was 10. The scars across his cheeks and around his mouth were telling enough, and anything sharp near his face would cause him to freak. "Uh— okay, give me 10 minutes, I'm actually in the middle of doing something with my hair."

"Do it over here. I— I'm remembering...a lot of stuff."

A sharp knock followed by "Hello Stanley! Come in dear!" Yelled loudly in a Jersey accent alerted Kyle that Stan was already here. That was quick. Kyle saw Stan walk up the stairs and was shocked to see his black hair was bleached, although spotty and very poorly done. He stared at the shorter boy with a soft blush on his cheeks.

"I—I like the hair..." He said before bringing Stan to the bathroom.

"Uh...what style do you want?"

"Like when I was 13ish, maybe. Just— shorter."

Stan nodded and chopped off the mass of thick ginger locs off Kyle's head. It fell onto the white tile floor with a soft plop. His shoulders were extremely tense, and he stared into the mirror with a stressed expression. Stan touched his shoulder softly. The ginger looked into his eyes through the mirror and smiled.

Slowly, Kyle's hair was cut and styled, and the floor under them could have been mistaken as a dark red carpet. Kyle smiled at himself, very happy with the cut.

"Like it?" Stan asked. "If— If you don't, I can try to fix it—"

"I love it."

Stan smiled at the teen. They smiled at each other for a while before talking.

"We should go get a Walmart bag to put the hair in."

"Dude, we need a whole trash bag for all that!"

"You're right. Do you think I should donate it? Like, to those cancer places?"

Stan agreed and the two walked downstairs to show Mrs. Broflovski. She stood in front of her son happily, and hugged him right.

"You look beautiful, Bubala. I'm so glad you cut it. Do you feel better?"

Kyle nodded silently. "I'm gonna donate my hair." He chuckled. "There's a lot..."

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