CHAPTER 2: Marjorine

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Kenny sets his bag on the ground in his room. He flopped down on the bed, letting out a sigh. His room was messy, clothes were strewn out everywhere.


"Yeah, man?"

Butters nervously sits on the bed beside Kenny. "You're cool, right? Like- Like you don't care if people are different?" Kenny sits up.

"Yeah, I'm super chill, Butters. What's up?"

"I-I don't know, I don't feel like Butters right now, I feel like I want to wear a dress and be a girl, but sometimes I do feel like Butters, and sometimes I feel extra like a guy- I don't understand..."

Kenny smiles at the other. "Okay, who do you feel like?" He asks.

"I-I dunno, a girl I suppose..."

"That's cool! Do you want a different name right now?"

"Yeah, if that's okay."

"Ok...oh, do you remember that time when we were little when you dressed up like a girl to sneak into a slumber party?"


"And we called you Marjorine! How about that, just for now?"

Butters looks at Kenny before hugging him. "That's perfect! You're so smart!" He pulls back from the hug.

"What about when I feel like a guy?"

"Hm...How about Mantequilla? Spanish for Butter?"

"That works, at least for now. Thanks for being so cool."

"Why wouldn't I be? I'm just like that, man! The only difference is that I don't care what you call me. You can use whatever pronouns you want and I'm just chilling."

"Still, thank you."

"Don't mention it, Marji. I'll always love you, no matter what."

Marjorine flopped backward onto the bed. She looked over at the book bags on the ground. The two were paired up for a project 2 weeks back, and they had done absolutely nothing.

"We really need to do our literature project." She sat back up.

"Do you have a poster board?"

"Yeah actually, it's in my bag." She grabbed the poster board and the rubric. Neither of them were great at reports, but they were gonna try at least.

Kenny read over it and grabbed his phone, looking up information about Edgar Allen Poe. He copied and pasted things to a Google doc that Marjorine was looking over and organizing the words, getting things ready to print.

"Okay, do you have a printer?"

"What do you think the answer is?"

"Okay, stupid question, I know." Marjorine giggled. "Well, we can write it ourselves, I guess!" She grabbed some paper and started writing down the notes and essay in a blue pen. Kenny stopped adding to the doc and helped out.

"Okay, so what can I help with?"

Cartman knocked on Kyle's front door before opening it, His mom smiling at him. "Hey, Mrs. Broflovski, is Kyle here?" He smiles back and shuts the door back.

"Yes, honey, he's in his room. Do you want anything to eat?"

"Sure, what do you got?"

"Well, I made some brownies, and if you don't like brownies I've got some leftovers from last night." She cuts the still-hot brownies into squares.

"Could I have both?"

"Sure! I'll get you some food on the plate and bring it up with the brownies when they cool."

Cartman walks upstairs, stopping to look at some of the photos hung up. Firstly, Kyle at a much younger age, with his hat on Ike's head. The next was a school photo of Kyle, but older. Maybe 13 or 14. His dark ginger hair went from short and against his head to neck length and slightly covering his eyes.

He stopped looking at the pictures and continued to Kyle's bedroom. The brunette knocked on the door and opened it. "Hey," He started, "I'm here for the project."

Kyle looked up from his textbook. "Kay." He stood and grabbed the half-done poster. It was about Mark Twain. "Uh, do you have the pictures?"

"Yeah, they're in my bag." He said and pulled the backpack off his shoulders and opened it. Out came some slightly bent-up pictures of the writer. Cartman flattened them out as best he could and handed them to Kyle.

"Okay, all that's left to do is the essay."

"Add me to your doc and I'll write it. How long is it?"

"Two pages." Kyle added Cartman's account to the document.

"Kay." He started to write the paper, getting a page done. The two worked for about an hour, Kyle finishing up the poster and reading over the paper Cartman was writing. He fixed spelling and grammar issues here and there, and changing words around to make it sound better.

"Done." Cartman stopped typing.

"Okay, I checked over the essay for any problems."

Kyle's mom knocks and opens the door. "Here, Eric. And Bubby, I brought you a brownie too." She laid the plates down on the ground in front of the two and quietly shut the door.

Kyle checked the time. 7:35. "You wanna play video games?" He set his phone down and asked.


Okay, chapter 2! It's definitely a lot shorter, sorry about that. I just really didn't know how to add more.

Words: 835

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