Chapter 11: The Showstopper

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"Goodnight Kyle."

Ike stood in the doorway of Kyle's room, wearing blue PJs and holding onto a black teddy bear.

"Goodnight, Ike. Who gave you that bear?"

"That kid at school. He felt bad. He's spending the night this weekend."

Kyle smiled at Ike as he walked away, then turned back to the multiple books laying open on his desk. His midterms were something he was really stressing over.

A notification on his phone caught his attention.

irl.gremlin: can I come over I need to talk abt sm.
KingLesbian: Sure. My window is unlocked.

The ginger closed his book and went into the bathroom, where he put product in his hair and covered it with his hair bonnet. He brushed his teeth and went back to his room. There was Cartman, standing awkwardly by the window and waiting for Kyle.

"What is it, man?" Kyle asked as he climbed into his bed, sitting with his legs crossed. Cartman followed, sitting beside him. He looked away for a moment before looking back into Kyle's eyes.

"Dude, just spit it out."

Kyle's eyes widened immensely as he stared in shock at the boy kissing him. Cartman climbed over the frozen teen, pushing him into the bed. He started leaving dark purple hickies and his hand moved lower.

As soon as it came into contact with Kyle's thigh, his fight-or-flight kicked in. Cartman's hand pulled up his shirt, and Kyle's reached for the lamp on his desk. The lamp slammed into Cartman's head and sent him reeling backward. Kyle kicked him to the floor, started shoving his face into the side of his desk, and stomped his chest. He climbed on top of him and started punching, breaking his nose, and knocking out teeth.

"Kyle! What is—"

Kyle looked up, breathing heavily. Sheila stared in horror at her son as he sat on top of Cartman's writhing, bleeding body.

"C—Call the— Call the police, ma."


"Ma! Call them!"

Kyle panted as Sheila rushed down the hall, He started to get up and sat on his bed, brushing the broken glass away from him.

"911, yeah, can you send an ambulance and the police? My son and his friend are in his bedroom, uh— his friend was bleeding— the address? Yeah, here..."


Marjorine opened the passenger-side door and stepped out into the cold mountain air, taking a long, refreshing breath. Stephen glared at his daughter, who looked back with an almost identical expression. They really did look similar. She walked inside, hugged her mom, and took her phone off the coffee table before heading out the door again without a word to her father.

am_i_dislexic: I'm back! [10:22 pm]
str8.outthe.ghetto: oh shit fr?? Pls come see me 🥺 [10:22 pm]
am_i_dislexic: open you front door🩷 [10:25 pm]

Kenny frantically rolled from their bed to the floor, stumbling through the house as fast as he could. It opened the door and stared at Marjorine for a moment, taking in the beauty of just— her. He loved how her hair looked, how even though they were wearing ugly jeans and a blue camp shirt, she still looked stunning.


She hugged xem. Tight. They were so happy to see the blonde-haired boy that she had to restrain herself from jumping up and down and screaming. The shorter teen began hugging back as tears threatened to fall from their eyes. The two pulled away, still holding on as they looked at each other. Then, Kenny kissed her. It was quick, and he looked away as soon as he pulled back, nervously stammering as she tried to play it off somehow.

"Uh— sorry, I just— just— I'm really happy you're back—"

Marjorie kissed him again, happily smiling as they stared at his goofy grin afterward. She giggled quietly at Kenny, who was smiling. He hugged her once again.

"I'm glad I'm back too."


Kyle sat in the hospital bed, a small piece of gauze over his neck. He was watching some kid's show on the small, outdated TV in the corner. The beeping and rolling wheel noises were slightly irritating, but there was nothing he could really do about it, right?

"Kyle! Man are you okay?! I saw the ambulance at your house— I was so worried!!"

Kyle smiled at the black-haired boy, who was trying to sit comfortably on the bed beside him.

"What happened?"

"Cartman. He...uh...he started kissing me and touching me, and I might have put him in the ICU..."

Stan stared in shock. He knew Cartman was a terrible person, but this? And why Kyle? He hugged Kyle quickly.


"It's fine, he didn't really do much damage, just some bruises on my neck and this gash in my leg from the lamp."


"I hit him over the head with my lamp."

Stan smiled at him, happy he was okay. They talked for a bit, catching up after taking their space from each other. The space was good. It helped the two think about how they felt, and what they wanted. Stan knew what he wanted.

"I want to date you."


"I—I know I'm bi— a—and polyamorous—"


"A—A—and Wen said she's ok with that—"

"Stan! Listen to me. I like you too. A lot. I'm just— is this really the best place to talk about this?"

"We never talk at school anymore! I—I think this is a good time, I mean, nothing is keeping you busy right now."

Kyle chuckled. "I guess you're right," he said, taking a small breath. "I would—like to date you, uh, but I don't know relationships, I don't know my own boundaries, I don't know anything. Can you handle that?"

"I can."

Chapter 11 woo things went down things went up yippee (I got my dosage upped on my meds can you tell) also I got the chapter name from Bojack Horseman😁

Words: 968


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