Chapter 15: Bed n Breakfast

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Marjorine woke up in Wendy's guest room to a soft knock on the door. She sat up slowly, her legs aching. The door opened to reveal an older lady holding a tray of food.

"Good Morning, dear. I cooked some breakfast."

They smiled a little. "Thank you, Mrs. Testaburger." She watched as the woman placed the tray down on the bed. It had a glass of milk, bacon, eggs, and a bowl of oatmeal. "Uh—"

"Wendy already told me you're lactose intolerant, I went and got some lactose-free milk for you."

"Thank you.."

Marjorine looked back at their food. Wendy's mother left the room and the girl began eating. When she was finally finished, she opened her phone. To the girl's surprise, Kenny had texted them.

str8.outthe.ghetto: Hey I'm ok [6:27 am]
am_i_dislexic??: oh thank god! I'm okay too, I'm at Wen's house right now, I stayed at their house last night [9:20 am]

She looked away from the phone, paying attention to the framed pictures on the walls. Wendy was in most of them, apart from a painting of the mountains near the small town. They stretched her legs a little, still feeling exhausted. After what happened last night, who could blame her?

Marjorine decided to go downstairs and help Mrs. Testaburger with anything. She wanted to feel useful. The girl picked up her tray and set it on the bedside table. She quickly made the bed and brought her dishes downstairs to the kitchen.

"Oh, don't worry about it honey, I can wash these."

That was what Marjorine heard as she turned on the tap. Mrs. Testaburger came into the kitchen, a kind and warm smile across her face.

"I-I can wash it, ma'am. You've already let me stay here, and eat your food," She said, continuing to rinse out her bowl that used to house oatmeal. "It's really the least I can do."

When they were finished washing dishes, Marjorine went and sat down on the couch, feeling a little uncomfortable. But Wendy was there, so that made her feel better.


Eric sat in the uncomfortable plastic chair, rubbing his fingers on the weird paper clothing they made him wear. He itched the scar where they had the IV in.

Everything felt like a blur. He was ushered into a room with nothing but two extremely heavy chairs. Eric was told to sit down and wait for his case worker to come in. He didn't even know what time it was.

"Hello, Eric. How are you feeling?"

"...I'm fine."

The caseworker crossed her legs and started writing on her clipboard.

"Can you remember what happened before you went to the hospital?"

Eric fidgeted with his hands and looked down at the brown plastic he was sitting on.

"Uh— me and my friend got into a fight, and we went to the hospital... and now I'm here."

He sounded so unsure. The caseworker scribbled what he said on her clipboard as she continued.

"That's not all that happened. Can you remember anything else?"


She sighed and leaned forward as if she had a secret to tell him. Eric looked away. He didn't want to hear it. He knows what happened.

"Eric, according to your friend, and from what they found through the security cameras on his property, you entered his home and attempted to rape him. He then defended himself and you two got into a fight, landing you two in the hospital. Remember any of that?"

Eric shook his head, not wanting to admit any of it. His usually angry demeanor had been reduced to a scared, guilty child. He looked like a dog who just tore up a couch cushion.

He wasn't going to admit it. And she couldn't make him, no matter how hard she tried.

But she didn't try at all. She just asked him if he needed anything, then sent him to his room to sleep. Eric was relieved, but he wasn't happy. The teen lay down on the uncomfortable bed and tried to sleep.


"Marj, do you wanna go to Kenny's house? Apparently, he's okay!"

Marjorine turned to Wendy. "Uh— yeah, I'd love to go." She stood up, smiling at the girl. "Let me get dressed."

Marjorine goes upstairs and locks the guest room door, rummaging through her bed for the clothes she wore yesterday. They were much better than the pajamas she borrowed from Wendy.

Wendy sat in the front seat of her mom's car, and Marjorine soon followed, sitting in the passenger seat. She began driving off, stopping a few houses down to pick up Kyle and Stan.

"Stan, wake up, we're going to Kenny's house." Kyle said quietly as he tried to wake up the ravenette. The teen woke up slowly, not fully hearing Kyle.


"We're going to Kenny's house."

"Oh, ok. Do I have to change or anything?"

Kyle smiled at him stupidly and flicked his shoulder. "You don't have any other clothes, do you wanna wear mine? They won't fit you."

"Nah, I'm fine."

Kyle and the half-asleep Stan got in the back seat of Wendy's car. "Hey babe, hey Kyle!" Stan muttered a "hi babe" back and shook his head, trying to wake himself up.

They arrived at Kenny's house and got out, knocking on the front door. The four huddled together in the cold as they waited for someone to answer.

Karen opened the door and looked up at the group. "Hi! Kenny's in his room." She let them in and went back to her iPad, getting on Roblox.

"Hey Kenny," Wendy said as she walked in to xer bedroom. "Oh, hi Wendy. What are you doing here?"

Marjorine, Stan and Kyle followed, and Kenny's eyes lit up. "You guys are okay!" She hugged Marjorine first, then hugged the rest of them. He then remembered his headache, and sat back down.

"So, y'all are fine? Nothings wrong with you guys? You're all safe?"

"Yeah," Kyle said. "What about you? We heard the gunshot."

Kenny raised their hair, revealing a scar. "The gun missed, but they did get me with that knife." He debated on whether or not he should tell Marjorine about her father, but decided he should.

"Uh— one of the guys hood fell off, I know who it was."

"That's great! We can go to the police and get them arrested!"

Kenny sighed and looked away. "Marji, was your dad."

Hey pookie I totally didn't completely forget about this fanfic nooooo I wasn't distracted drawing stardew valley ship art what are you talking about???

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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