CHAPTER 5: Kiss And Tell

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"Do you want to kiss someone?"

Kyle recoiled in shock at Stan's question. He stared at the other for a moment before blinking a few times.

"I—uhm—" He stuttered out, unable to even process what Stan was proposing. The raven-haired teen looked away and out the window.

"I— I was just joking, never mind."

Kyle gulped. "Yeah, I would."

Stan whipped his head back around to Kyle and looked at him. "Uhm— Okay," He said, awkwardly moving closer to Kyle, turning his head upward to reach the ginger.

The taller in turn leaned down to Stan, pressing his lips against the others. He really had no idea what he was doing. His eyes were open, looking at Stan's closed ones at a strange angle.

Stan's hand hesitantly made its way to the back of Kyle's head, feeling his thick hair between his fingers. But then the kiss ended. Kyle stared at the other for a moment before glancing away nervously, trying to focus on anything other than Stan.

Stan, on the other hand, was looking at Kyle, trying to determine how he felt. He'd kissed Wendy tons of times, and of course, he loved it, he loved her so much. But kissing Kyle was just as good, even if Kyle wasn't a very good kisser.

"Does this mean you cheated on Wendy?"

"I don't know. I—I love her, but I also like kissing you." He looked down at his lap once again.

"I don't know what to say," Kyle said as he looked back at Stan with a blush-covered face. He looked at his watch.

"Can we go to bed? I don't wanna think about this right now."

"Yeah." Kyle scooted closer to the edge of the bed and away from Stan. He laid down and shut his eyes.

Stan stared at the dark ceiling with his eyes open. Fuck, why did he even suggest that?

Kenny stood at the base of a large Magnolia tree beside Cartman's house. He tugged at the straps of his backpack before jumping and pulling himself up onto the branch. The short blonde made his way up the tree like a cat, hopping between branches as if he was able to site-read exactly where she needed to land each jump.

Well, xe pretty much did. The sheer number of times he snuck into Butters's house alone was more than enough to train them to quickly and silently climb trees and not be seen. Especially when he's trying to get back home while Carol and Stuart where fighting in the living room.

The boy knocked on the window and watched as Cartman got off the bed and shuffled over. Cartman undid the lock, lifted the pane, and helped Kenny through. He pulled his thick coat off and threw it down beside him.

A few minutes later, the two were sitting beside the open window, Kenny holding a lit joint. It reached into its pocket and pulled out two cigarettes.

"Here, swiped these from Stuart." Kenny handed them to Cartman.

"Look, what does this mean? Does he usually send these to you?" Cartman shoved his phone toward Kenny's face as he grabbed the lighter off the floor. Kenny grabbed the phone to allow Cartman to light his cigarette.

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