CHAPTER 10: Reunion

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10 weeks. It had been 10 long weeks since Marjorine sent the note, and Kenny hadn't heard anything from her. Honestly, he was terrified of what could be happening at that place. Xe was staring into space, thinking about what could happen.

"Kenny? Ken, dude. Kenny!" Kyle shook the blonde, effectively breaking it out of its trance. "Man, are you okay?"

Kenny smiled sadly at the other. "I—" Tears started falling from his eyes by the gallon. "Dude, I— I miss h—her so—so much—" Kyle squatted down and put his arms around Kenny.

"I want— I f—fucking hate her dad— I hate him—"

Kyle was quiet for a moment. "L—Let's go to the bathroom for a minute, okay?" Kenny nodded and wiped his tears. "Mrs. Wood, could we go to the restroom?"

The teacher nodded worriedly, and the two quickly walked down the hall and into the bathroom. Kyle looked at Kenny and wrapped his arms around him tightly. They stood like that for a moment, and slowly, Kenny started to calm down.

"I miss her too. I promise you she'll be back soon."

"I didn't get to tell her... What if...she..."

"Don't even think that. Marji would never do that. She is the most optimistic person I know, man—" Kenny cut him off.

"You don't know her like I do! She's told me things she's never told anyone— terrible things she thinks about, things that happened to her— I—I'm terrified, Kyle..."

"It'll be okay. I promise you." Kyle embraced her once again.

Marjorine stood behind the staff member directing her to her room. She was wearing slack blue jeans and a light blue shirt with the camp's logo, a decal of a lake, and the words "Camp New Grace" plastered on top. The employee turned to her and spoke as he opened the door. "Your accountabilibuddy is currently eating lunch, but he'll be back soon. Just stay in here and we'll bring you your things." Marjorine nodded and sat on the bed silently.

After a few minutes, a boy walked into the room. He was wearing the same outfit as Marjorine, and his hair a curly puff on top with shaved sides. The boy looked up in shock upon seeing Marjorine, but after a second, his eyes lit up.

"B—Butters...?" Marjorine smiled brightly at the boy and stood up, trying to keep herself from wrapping her arms around him so tightly that he couldn't breathe.


The girl moved toward him quickly and nearly hugged him, but hesitated. Bradley smiled at her and enveloped his arms around them. "I missed you so much— god, why are you back? What happened, are you okay?" He let go of the hug and stepped back a little.

"I—I'm okay, Bradley. Uh— I—I'm trans. My name is Marjorine, but I guess don't call me that around the staff people— Uhm— My dad, he, uh— he saw me in a dress and got really pissed..."

"Oh! Uh— that's—that sucks...your dad sounds awful..."

"You don't know the half of it." Marjorine chuckled softly.

"D—Don't be so sure. My dad is also the reason I'm back here." Bradley sat down. "He saw me kiss someone and sent me off immediately." The two sat and talked for a while, and eventually, a worker called them out for group therapy.

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