Chapter 12: Normal School Day?

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Nov. 23, 8:43 pm
      Today was a trip. I woke up almost an hour later than I'm supposed to, and I had to skip my morning routine so I could make it to school on time. Kenny almost had to call someone else to pick him up. I couldn't focus very well in 1st block, I think I forgot to take my meds. The only good thing that happened this morning was walking into class and not having to see Cartman.

"Yeah I'm just a teenage dirtbag, bab—"


"Dude, wake up, you missed your alarm."


"Yeah, let me know when you're on t—"


Kyle got up quickly and noticed his entire backpack strewn out on his desk. He internally slapped himself and shoved everything in there without looking. He rushed into the bathroom and grabbed his brush off his desk before rushing back into the room to put on his clothes.

Dark green cargo pants, thick black winter boots, an orange hoodie, and a green flannel shirt. Kyle threw his blue bag over his back and went downstairs, grabbing the keys and rushing Ike out the door.

"Kyle! Do you want breakfast?"

"No time, Ma," He responded, shutting the door behind him and pushing Ike toward the car. "C'mon, Ike, we're gonna be late!"

He sped to Kenny's house. The blonde boy stood by the train tracks holding onto Karen's hand. Marjorine was rocking back and forth quietly, and she opened the passenger side door.

"Hey Marj, sorry I'm late."

"Aw, that's ok Ky! I understand!"

Kyle smiled at her and started driving as soon as Kenny shut the back door. They arrived at the elementary at 7:53. The ginger sped off, not saying goodbye to Ike as he rushed to get to school.

He parked the car and walked away toward his classroom. Kenny and Marjorine chuckled at him and started walking to their class together. Marjorine lightly grabbed Kenny's hand and smiled at xem. Kenny looked upwards happily as they reached the class. Marjorine went to her desk and waved to Kenny. He sat down and took out his phone, texting her.

str8.outthe.ghetto: hii I miss u [8:02 am]
fluttershy4ever: I'm 3 seats down how do u miss me?? [8:02 am]
str8.outthe.ghetto: i want to hold ur hand 😡☹️☹️ [8:03 am]
fluttershy4ever: Here let's hold hands over the phone! [8:03 am]
fluttershy4ever: 🫱 [8:04 am]
str8.outthe.ghetto: 🫲 [8:04 am]
fluttershy4ever: 🤝!! [8:04 am]

Kenny looked up at Marjorine and smiled, and put away his phone. The teacher walked into the classroom and started talking about sentence structure.

"Yo, Mr. Fagon, can I go take a shit?"

"Language, McCormick. Make it quick."

The blonde boy walked out and immediately got on her phone, texting Kyle and telling him to come to the bathroom. He waited for almost 10 minutes before Kyle stepped in.

"Guess what?!"


"Me and Marj are together! We kissed and she stayed the night and we cuddled all night Kyle I'm so happy—"

"Calm down. That's great, Kenny, I'm really happy for you two. Maybe we could go on a triple date sometime this week?"


Kyle looked away for a moment, smiling. "Me and Stan, you and Marji, and Wren and Stan," He explained, watching Kenny's face light up.

"Yo!! I'm so happy for you, Ky!" It hugged the ginger quickly and smiled as he pulled away. They stood there for a few minutes, smiling at each other. "I do actually have to use the bathroom, and Fagon is gonna have my ass suspended if I am gone for much longer." She chuckled and gave Kyle a fistbump and shut themselves in a stall.

Kyle walked back to class, texting Stan and Wendy in a group chat.

The awesome cool people

KingLesbian: Guys, Kenny wants to go on a triple date with us. [8:31 am]
wendy.testa.burger: Okay! When? [8:32 am]
KingLesbian: Not sure. I'll ask xem when 1st block ends. [8:32 am]

He sat down in his desk and started trying to take notes again. He couldn't focus. Kyle just resorted to putting his head down and remembering to ask Red for the notes after class. He wasn't even sleeping, he was just laying there uncomfortably. He was nervous, and was kinda scared to see Stan at lunch.

The bell rang and Kyle stood up, putting his backpack on and stopping Red before she left.

"Hey, uh, can you send me the notes? I fell asleep."

"Sure, you're still king lesbian, right?"

"Y—yeah." Kyle cringed at the username. "Thanks, Red."

Stan smiled at Kyle as he sat down for lunch. The ginger looked away awkwardly and watched Kenny be all lovey-dovey with Marjorine. They were cuddling and laughing, and sharing food. Kyle sighed and hesitated. His hand hovered over Stan's for a minute, recoiling and moving back over and over before he finally decided to just go for it. Stan's eyes widened and he looked at Kyle with surprise.

Stan smiled at him softly and started eating a little. Kyle also began to eat. Everyone was quiet for a few minutes, the only noise coming from Wren hopping into the seat beside Stan.

"So...what did we decide for the date?"

Kyle swallowed before responding. "Uh, we haven't. When's everyone free?" He asked.

"I don't talk to my dad anymore, so always I guess."

"Yeah, same."

"I have hockey tryouts tomorrow, but after that I'm free."

"I'm free whenever, too."

Kyle nodded. "Sweet. I'll make a group chat, and we can plan on there later?"

The group agreed.

"I'm gonna go back to my seat, love you, Stan." Wren kissed Stan on the cheek and walked off. Stan's mouth filled with bile and he struggled to keep it from spewing over the table.

"You good, man?" Kyle asked as Stan swallowed roughly.

"Y—Yeah. Still throwing up..."

Ok chapter 12 yippee I am going INSANE😋😋😋

Words: 989

Lip (I changed my name again🥰🥰)

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