CHAPTER 8: Confessions

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Xx.Raven.xX: Can we go to TweekBros for some coffee? [10:45 am]
wendy.testa.burger: Sure babe, is everything okay? [10:46 am]
Xx.Raven.xX: I'll tty there [10:46 am]

Stan sighs. He grabs his favorite hoodie and takes it to the bathroom, turning on the shower. He hesitates before stepping in and letting the hot water cover him. It's like he can feel the oil in his hair flow down his shoulders. He reaches for the shampoo but stops just before grabbing it. Eventually, he commits, putting some shampoo into his hand and washing his hair.

After he finishes showering, Stan rubs his hair down with a towel and gets dressed. He checks his phone before leaving the bathroom and heading downstairs to eat a little. Sparky barks excitedly when he sees Stan, pawing at the door to his crate.

"Good morning, Spark. You wanna go for a walk?" The dog jumps around and grabs his leash off the stand. He clips it on Sparky and they leave. Stan grabs his skateboard and lets Sparky pull him along to TweekBros.

When they arrive at the coffee shop, Wendy is standing at the entrance on her phone. They look up and notice Stan, smiling and walking toward him. Stan stops his board and pulls Sparky back from jumping on his girlfriend.

"Hey, Babe, what's going on?"

"I just need to tell you something..." They walk in and say hi to Tweek. "Do you want me to get you anything?"

Wendy shakes her head. "No, just tell me what's wrong, please. Are you...are you breaking up with me?"

"No! No, uh— I'm not, I wouldn't dream of it. It's— well..." Sparky gets up from laying beside Stan and puts his head on his thigh. The teen's hand reaches for the dog and pets him.

"Just tell me, it'll be okay. What's wrong?"

"Okay, I've done a lot of research and looked things up and— and I think I like someone else? A—and you— I still like you," He says.

Wendy looks at him for a second. "Uhm— Well, I think that's okay...Who is it?"

"...Kyle." Wendy lets out a small gasp and looks at him. "I can totally see it! Uh, I think if you and him dated and me and you dated...that would be okay. As long as Kyle is okay with that."

"I looked it up, it's called polyamory. It means that I can be attracted to multiple people at the same time," Stan explains, still petting his dog. She smiles at him and puts her hand on top of his. "I'm glad you told me about this instead of cheating on me," She giggles.

"I'm offended that you would even say that!" Stan jokes, smiling at her.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Stan."

[Time for Kyman torture >:)]

Cartman paces through his bedroom. "Are you gay? No, you aren't. You're not gay. You like girls."

"Straight people don't walk around their bedroom questioning if they have a crush on a guy," Kenny says as it climbs through Eric's window. "What the hell would you know about being straight? The latest "McCormick fucked ___" involved three different dudes." The blonde laughed. They weren't sure what they found funnier, the fact that "McCormick fucked ___" was a popular school topic, or the fact that he could not for the life of him remember who those three guys were.

"Look, I'm just sayin', it wouldn't be the end of the world if you were gay. Or even bi. What if you like girls and dudes?"

"No, No, No. I. Like. Girls." Kenny smiled and pulled off his facemask. Xe looked at Cartman with an "I'm never letting this go" sort of face. "I can figure out if you are gay or not."

"Okay. Do it." Cartman crosses his arms. "You have to be completely honest. No lying." Kenny says. "Okay, when you think about kissing a girl, say uh— Bebe Stevens, considered the most attractive girl in our grade, do you like that idea?"

"I guess? Kenny, this is stupid—"

"What about when you think about kissing a dude? Say...Me." Cartman looks at him. "You? Absolutely not."

"Okay, what about Kyle?" Cartman blushes and stares at him in shock. He looked at xem for almost a minute before responding quietly. "I would be...fine?"

"Gay~!!!" Kenny says in a sing-song-like tone. Cartman pouts at him. "I don't know— I—It's weird."

"Mm. I would say to tell him, but I don't think he likes you back." Cartman looks away, thinking. He glances toward Blender and picks him up, trying to calm his mind. "Can I be alone?"

"Sure, man." Kenny stands up and grabs his bag, stuffing his lighter and little baggy of weed into it. He pats Cartman's shoulder and pets the kitten before jumping out of the window and latching onto the branch. He climbs down the tree and starts walking home.

"God fucking damnit." He sighs. Blender mewls and butts his head into Cartman's chest, rubbing his small body along the boy's neck affectionately. "What do you think I should do, B?" The kitten mewls again and looks up to him. Cartman gets in bed with the cat and tries to go to sleep.

Just wanna let you know that the Kyman torture doesn't only hurt you I hate writing this

The only reason I'm doing this shit is because I want something to happen to Cartman. Ok love you bye

Words: 882


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