Chapter 14: Picnic

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Kenny woke up on the floor. His shirt was over his face, showing off a plethora of strange scars, and one of their feet was propped up on the bed. Marjorine covered the entire shoddy mattress, her body was splayed out like a starfish. She was knocked out, obviously she hadn't gotten good rest in a while. The boy slowly got up and placed the blanket on her before walking into the kitchen to make Karen some breakfast.

"What do you want, Garf?"

Karen giggled and pointed at the pancake mix. "Where's your boyyyyfriend???" She asked.

"She's my girlfriend," Xe started to mix the batter. "She's asleep right now." Kenny turned on the stove and put a pan on it, making Karen a few miniature pancakes. One had a smiley face. He put the plate on the coffee table in front of her and handed her the TV remote.

"I have a girlfriend!"

Kenny looked at her. "Really? Who?"

"My best friend Tricia! We play Meep City together and have a baby!" Karen smiled and ate her pancakes. "Can I go to Tricia's house today?"

"Maybe I'll drop you off before me and Marj go to the pond. Can you call her and ask her mom?"

Karen nodded and continued eating her breakfast. Kenny walked back to her bedroom to wake up Marjorine. He sat beside her on the bed and petted their hair. She smiled at the short boy as she woke up, slowly sitting and blinking tiredly.

"We're going to Stark's Pond today, Marj."

"Oh, Yeah," She responded. "I'll get dressed." Marjorine got out of bed and dug through her bag for her pink shirt and flower-covered overall dress. They walked out of the bedroom and found their way to the bathroom through the small house. It was a bit dirty, but Marjorine couldn't judge. She got changed and used the bathroom, washing her hands and walking back to Kenny's bedroom.


It was a quiet day at Stark's Pond, which was weird. There were always kids running around, screaming, and people hanging out. But today there was almost no one. No one but the five teens on the cliff reached out over the deepest part of the lake. Wendy dropped the blanket onto the grass and sat down. Everyone sat in a circle, Kenny leaned over in Marjorine's lap.

The group laughed and ate the sandwiches Stan made. Kyle pushed Kenny playfully as they made an annoying joke, and the rest of them laughed loudly.

"Shut up, Kenny."

"You love me, mullet head."

Kyle stopped smiling and felt his hair. "Is it a mullet?" He turned to his boyfriend. "Stan, did you give me a mullet??"

The rest of them erupted into even louder laughter. A rustling in the forest caught Marjorine's attention, and she stopped laughing. "Did you hear that?" She asked, trying to see into the woods. Her scarred-over eye made that extremely difficult.

"It was probably a deer or something, Marji."

The teens all looked over into the woods, but no one could see anything. They continued talking and joking around with each other. That was until they were all seeing black and could barely hear anything. All they could feel was their bodies being dragged through the pine straw and mud-covered woodland.

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