CHAPTER 3: Happy Birthday

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It was Saturday. Stan blinked his eyes open as the sunlight crept through the blinds. He pulled the blanket over his head and attempted to go back to sleep, though that proved unsuccessful.

DING. He grabbed his phone and pulled it off the charger, flinching at the harsh light that flooded his view.

wendy.testa.burger: Stan!! Happy Birthday, I hope it's a good one babe! <3 [10:12 am]

He smiled and sat up slightly, texting her back a quick thank you text. It was weird that Kyle and Kenny hadn't sent anything. Stan shrugged it off and got out of bed, shuffling through his messy room and grabbing a red hoodie off the floor. He put it on and went to the bathroom.

Stan stood in front of the mirror for a bit, staring at the toothbrush and toothpaste laying unused on the counter. He contemplated for a moment before deciding not to brush his teeth yet again. Eventually, he made his way downstairs.

"Happy birthday Stanley! I made you some pancakes and eggs, they're in the microwave."

"Thanks, mom." He opened the microwave and sat at the table, poking around and slowly eating it.

"Your dad and I have to go out to town for a bit, you'll be good here by yourself, right?" She finished washing the dishes and put her hand on his head, ruffling the raven's hair.

"When's the last time you washed your hair, Stan?"

"Mm, I dunno, like...a few weeks ago?"

She sighed and took her hand away, wiping it on her shirt before going upstairs to get ready. Stan stood and put his plate in the sink. He opened Sparky's kennel, the dog excitedly jumping on and licking Stan's face.

"Hey, Spark." He grabbed the bulldog's bowl and filled it with kibble, placing it back on the ground and putting water in the adjacent bowl. Sparky quickly began eating as Stan went into the living room and sat on the couch.

Randy and Sharon walked down the stairs. "We're off now, Honey," She said and kissed Stan on the forehead before walking out the door with the car keys.

He sighed as the door slammed behind the two. The teen grabbed the TV remote and flicked it on, searching through the channels and eventually landing on Cop Drama.

Sparky jumped up on the couch and climbed into the crook of Stan's curved body. He smiled and pet the dog, nearly falling asleep as he watched the show. He licked Stan's hand and fell asleep himself.

Kyle and Kenny were in his SUV, waiting outside Cartman's house. He decided to call him.


"What?" Cartman asked.

"Get outside, tubby."

"I'm coming, I'm coming," He replied, hanging up the phone and walking out the door with a crudely wrapped box. He got in the backseat and shut the door.

"Who else are we getting?"



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