CHAPTER 6: Father-Son Time

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Craig reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys. He unlocked the door and held it open for Tweek. The two entered, Tricia glancing at the two and returning her eyes to her phone.

"Wanna play video games?" Craig asked, looking down at the blonde. He smiled and nodded, Tweek had always been very quiet at Craig's house. He was nervous about ticcing around her family, especially her dad, who doesn't seem too keen on him.

The two walked upstairs and into the taller boy's bedroom. It was clad with posters of space, Red Racer figurines, Funko Pops, and lots of stuffed animals covering most of his bed. Tweek sat on the ground in front of the TV and looked at Stripe the 6th.

"Sweet baby."

"I know, right? I love him so much."

Craig sat beside Tweek and turned on the Switch. He grabbed the controllers and handed one to the other.

"Can we play MarioKart while you tell me about space?"

"This is why I love you," Craig replied as she opened MarioKart and clicked on his favorite course, the triforce cup. He started going on and on about supernovas, the history of constellations, and anything he could think of. Tweek just listened to his boyfriend talk as it tried its best at the game.

At some point, Craig started to do worse and worse on the courses. She watched angrily as a red shell hit her right before he went over the finish line, and one of the Koopalings surpassed. "FUCK! GODDAMNIT!" Craig yelled as he dropped the controller on the floor and threw his head back towards the bed.

Tweek ticced and laid his own controller down beside him. It reached out to Craig for a hug, and the taller immediately fell into Tweek's arms. Next thing you know, the tall raven-haired boy was facing Tweek while sitting on his lap. She was overstimulated.


"Don't—Don't worry babe, it's okay, I understand."

Craig had finally started to calm down. He had his legs wrapped around Tweek's waist as the two sat on the floor. They sat like this for a few minutes, breathing just slightly out of sync. A high-pitched "GAH!" made Craig let out a gasp of surprise and look at Tweek.


Craig smiled at Tweek and kissed him on the lips. She put her hand over his cheek and smiled at the other. They started kissing more, smiling into the kiss. A loud opening of the door forced the two to snap their heads towards it, Craig almost falling backward and hitting the floor.

"Dinner's ready." Craig looked at his mother for a moment before responding.

"Okay." He glanced at Tweek, and his mom walked away, leaving the door open. The blonde eyed Craig.

"I can't get up unless you do."

She giggled a little and stood, helping Tweek to its feet. The two walked downstairs and into the dining room. The three others were already seated around the table, leaving two seats for Tweek and Craig across from his parents.


"I didn't know Tweek would be joining us until a bit ago, so we might not have enough food," Thomas says with slight rudeness in his tone. Craig rolls his eyes at his father and glances at the nervous blonde to her right, who was looking down at its food and pretty noticeably suppressing a tic.

"I told you yesterday I was bringing him over to spend time with our son together."

"You told me you were bringing her over for a bit, not for dinner," Craig's father pointedly says, "And stop calling it y'alls "son". You two can't have children."


"Can you please just let me be happy for once, Dad? I'm tired of you criticizing me and my boyfriend for being normal!"

"You aren't normal, Craig! You're a space-obsessed faggot!"

Craig angrily stood and slammed his fork and knife down. She grabbed Tweek's arm gently and pulls him up, moving to the stairs.

"GAH—!" Tweek ticced and followed Craig up the stairs. She silently shoved clothes and stuffed animals into a duffle bag and put Stripe the 6th in his travel tank.

"Thomas!" Laura angrily yells as she watches the two boys rush upstairs. "You can't just chill out for ONE dinner?"

"I'm sorry, but I just can't get behind this shit, Laura!"

"It has been years Thomas! They've been together since they were 11!"

"It makes it even worse that Tweek thinks she's a guy! That freak is the reason Craig is the way he is!"

The two's argument was cut short by two teenagers rushing down the staircase. Craig was holding two duffle bags and his school bags, and Tweek was carrying Stripe's travel tank. He stomped towards the front door.

"Craig Adriano Tucker, if you walk out that door you will not come back!"

She stared at her father for a second before turning the doorknob and walking out into the chilly Colorado air. Tweek stood for a moment as it watched its boyfriend leave. He looked at the family in the dining room before following Craig outside.

They looked at each other in silence for almost a full minute before Tweek started freaking out.

"ARE YOU CRAZY? CRAIG—GAH—Where are you gonna go?! I mean why did you do this did you even get enough clothes did you get—get your headphones what about Stripe and his food?! GAH—God—"

"Tweek," Craig started, putting his hands on the other's shoulders. "Honey, I can't live with him. I promise everything will be okay. Tolkien's parents will let me stay, and even if they don't, I can crash at Thomas's for a few nights."

Tweek looked at his boyfriend, then back towards the house, and back at Craig. His head ticced to the side and he smiled slightly. They looked at each other for a minute.

"Uhm...I forgot my keys."

Tweek chuckled and moved to the side to allow Craig to open the door and grab the car keys from the bowl. They walked toward the car and got in.

"I'll take you home and go to Tolkien's."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too."

Okay it's not a silly cite chapter it's evil but at least it's not kyman right??

Words: 1032


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