hunter; hunted; the hunters

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hunted made huntersmade evilconquering the night

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hunted made hunters
made evil
conquering the night.

Hunters, vampire hunters were creatures of the world that battled an invisible war against the creatures of the night.

The way of the hunter was unorthodox. It was unholy. Unlike the rest of the supernatural creatures, they were not meant to exist because they were artificially created in a laboratory.

The hunter was a test-tube creation that threw off the balance of the supernatural. The hunter was the brain baby of lawyer and researcher, Jonathan Harker. It all started when Harker lost his lover to the master of Castle Bran in Translavania. His newly betrothed had given herself entirely to the Count Dracul. She had willingly declared her love for him, and in course she had made a monster out of Jonathan Harker. He seethed in resentment and believed that the vampire had seduced his lover away and vowed to end the race of the vampire. He invested all his time and money into creating a monster that could kill a monster without losing its humane virtue.

And thus, the age of the vampire hunter was born.

The hunter was agile, and cunning. It owed no alliance to the balance of nature. It was a determined creature designed for one purpose; to kill the vampire.

The vampire hunter could only be described by its designing features. Its body? Hid behind the shadows that birthed it, and his armour? A wretched cloak that blended with the darkness that it commanded and its sword? Forged from the purest silver that the earth had produced.

The hunter owed no alliegnce to the balance of nature and so nature shunned it. Any and all supernatural creatures built no friendship with the hunter. They were isolated from the world. The hunter built its foundation in the cold and desolute corners of the world, where not a songbird lived, that is where the hunter lay.

In the dark and cold abyss of isolation, where dreams do not dare dwell the hunter built its house of memories.

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