order in the court!

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"Vampire hunters are an imbalance to nature Bella. You must understand that first and foremost.

See, in 1897, a lawyer by the name Jonathan Harker travelled to Romania to handle the estate of a very powerful vampire in existence.

Count Dracul.

But he was in for a surprise when he found out that Count Dracul was not an ordinary old man, but a vampire who feasted on his blood when he slept.

When Harker escaped the clutches of Count he travelled back to London to return to his wife and alert the Church of existence of the Count. Harker. In that time Bella the Church had a great amount of influence and power. They had an army they secretly funded to fight against the creatures of Satan. The leader was Priest Helsing. Harker wanted to gather proof against Dracul to bring to the army.

But, through out all this he forgot about his wife, Mina, who was mated to the Count. She was his true mate, and so the Count took Mina away from Harker.

Harker begged her to return but Mina declared her love for Count Dracul and stood witness for him against the Church. Having no other proof for the truth about Dracul's true form the Church did not take any action against him. Mina and the Count were married and she lived on her immortal life as Countess Dracul. Their whereabouts are unknown.

The Count and the Countess were rumoured to live a very happy life but in the midst they had created a cruel monster out of Jonathan Harker. They had created a man so hell-bent on getting revenge against the vampire that he had redirected himself to a series of inhumane testing.

He wanted to create a super-human that can kill the vampire and owed allegiance to nothing and no one.

He wanted to create a being whose only objective was to kill vampires and one day he succeeded.

A hunter was born from the dilution of venom and human blood.

The hunter was to get the most minimal strength of a vampire, but with training to would be indescribable. The hunter was still liable to dying from its injuries and time but that was Jonathan's goal.

He detested Mina's happiness that would last the rest of time so he wanted his creation to never taste immortal. He believed immortal would only corrupt the soul.

And that is what I am Bella. I am a vampire hunter, created in the eyes of Jonathan Harker.

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