bowl of noodles? Canoodling?

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within these page I liewithin these pages I dreamwithin these page I die

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within these page I lie
within these pages I dream
within these page I die


"Yes, yes I'm coming. Darn cursed box...back in my time it was a pen and parchment not this inferno!"


"Lucifer. What is it that you want peasant?"


"Oh you caught on fast sweetheart!"

"A little warning next time Lucifer. You sent me on a mission to protect my own sister from this red-headed villainous cunt?"

"Well I didn't quite knew how to tell you that it was dear ol' Bells."


"Well darling I didn't expect them to last that long. The toddler hasn't had a shag in, well, quite literally forever I assumed he would either quite literally fuck her dead or drain her."



"You are an absolute bastard I hope you know that Luci. A straight-forward, foulmouthed git."

"Jesus, tell me what you really think of me Azzy."

"For one whole year Luci! FOR ONE WHOLE YEAR! You couldn't pick up the phone and say 'hey there darling you know you baby sister? Yeah her, she is dating a bloody-thirsty vampires and also happens to be his singer!' ?"

"Firstly, I do not sound like that. I am from West Country, the most beautiful accent ever not that hillbilly bullshit you just pulled. Secondly, not a lot of phone service in Romania."


"Yeah, yeah, fine I should have told you but whatcha gonna do about it? Hm? Are you gonna pull a hermoine granger and pull out a time-turner out of your ass?"

"You are incorrigible Lucifer. Oh and by the way she also has a puppy on her ass."

"A puppy? No way! Oh dear lord Azzy I am about to die of laughter here! Your sister is quite a piece of work!"

"You're telling me. I am up-to my elbows in cross webs of love and obsession and I am done!"

"You really shouldn't discredit love so fast baby."

"Good day Lucifer-"

"NO! Wait a minute."

"What is it Lucifer?"

"How'd you find out?"


"Well Azura is pissed I gave you the assignment, and Amaris and Amethyst are canoodling in the library....thinking they are so slick with it I swear to god, as if I don't smell them on each other I have heightened sens-"


"Keep your panties untwisted I am getting to my point. I am bored. So, as your spiritual guide tell me absolutely everything and do not leave a singular, delicious detail out!"


I landed in Seattle a few weeks ago......

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