toddler and candy reunited

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reunited at lastwhat joylet the secrets ring

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reunited at last
what joy
let the secrets

When Bella returned back to Forks, she went straight to Aurora's room. It was empty.

So, she slept in Aurora's bed. She was tired and jet-lagged and scared.

She was awakened by rustling around her. She looked to see terrifying sight in front of her.

It was Azrael, heaving and staring straight at Bella.

Bella wanted to scream. But she knew that only she was looking at Azrael right now was because she trusted Bella enough to keep her identity a secret.

Azrael took her hood down and Bella could finally look at Aurora's face.

Aurora had a tear-stained cheek. Her eye were bloodshot and her hair was a mess. Aurora was a mess.


"Help me pack."

"Rory let's talk about this."

"Either help me pack or get out."

So, Bella helped her pack. She figured the most she can spend with Aurora was a win. Bella tried to get a few words through Aurora but it was futile. When the essentials were packed and Aurora was halfway out the window, Bella finally said,

"You promised!"

Aurora looked back at Bella.

"You promised you would stay and protect me. The Cullen's are back and I don't know what to do. You cannot leave me Rory!"

Bella was crying now. She had tears streaming down her cheek. She couldn't lose her sister after become so close to her. It reminded her of the time that Edward left her.

"I am never going to leave you Bella. But, if I don't and they find me here they will hurt you."

Bella didn't respond. She looked down and snivelled into her sleeve.

"Look at me Bells."

Bella didn't.

"Please, Bella I don't have a lot of time. Look at me."

When Bella looked up she saw her sister's eyes for the first time. They were sad.

Aurora embraced Bella tightly and broke the hug and said,

"Bella, there is a post-box near Cora's. It's a battered, old thing you can't have missed it. Whenever you need me, whenever, write to me in a pink-coloured envelope, but don't address it, and put them in there. I will come."

Bella whispered a hushed, okay.

"Bella do you understand me? This is important."

"Yes, Cora's, post-box and pink coloured enveloped, no address."

"Good...I love you Bells."

"I love you too Rory."

And with that Aurora turned back into Azrael and flew out the window and rode away on her stead.

The hunter was gone and the Cullen's were back. It was all a mess.

Everything about Bella was still a mess. Atleast, she got her boyfriend back but a mess nonetheless.

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