run, boy, run

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a century on the run not because I am a preybecause I am the predator the enemy

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a century on the run
not because I am a prey
because I am the predator
the enemy

Vampires, blood singers, wolfs. Everything was a big mess with Bella. Everything was in a giant pot over a stove and someone had turned the gas all the way to "high".

Everything was a mess with Bella.

After revealing the truth to Aurora, Bella had decided to looking for the Cullens. She was done with all the lies that she had surrounded herself with and needed to find a way to escape.


But she had not accounted for the the blood-thirsty vampire, heaven-bent on revenge for her former lover, along with her accomplice, Laurent.

The same accomplice who was standing in-front of her.

The same accomplice who was about to kill her.

The same accomplice.

Then out of nowhere an ear-piercing scream rippled through the air. The scream was bone-chilling like it came from a soul that was wretched and cruel.

Everything about it was blood-curdling and painful.

But the scream was affecting only the red-eyed vampire in-front of Bella. Although, she could hear the scream she was not agitated by it.

Laurent, on the other hand was writhing in pain. Writhing in the most painful agony he had ever felt.

And from between the trees and the greenery it revealed itself.

A dark creature, mounted on a black horse. It was clad in silver armour. The creature commanded the shadows and the cold. With the horses every moment Laurent took a step back for it was his first time being confronted with a vampire hunter.

"Relinquere eam solus, vampire."

The voice spoke, between screeching once again cause Laurent to feel that same fire running through his undead body.

"She will die. And so will you!"

The creature dismounted, slowly walking towards the lethal vampire with its sword clasped between its armoured hands.

It charged towards Laurent, almost as fast as the vampire, and engaged in a fight to the death. The fight was like an elegant dance, the hunter was a master at its craft, ducking most of Laurent blows and serving them right back.

The creature charged towards Laurent, ready to serve a devastating blow but it was blocked by Laurent, who forcefully threw the creature at a boulder with great strength. The creature was on the forest floor for a just second longer when Laurent engaged again and held the hunter by its throat.

"I thought you were stronger? Guess the rumours were false!"

The hunter screamed again causing Laurent to drop it back to the floor. Laurent was on his knees, trying to fight the screech when the hunter grabbed it's long sword and was about to strike when the wolves appeared.

A black one, a grey one, a brown one. One by one they appeared, barring their sharp fangs at the two creatures, locked in a sword fight.

Knowing that the wolves recognized the hunters as foe, the dark creature called for its horse and swiftly left the battle ground. It left the wolves to deal with the vampire, who was significantly weakened.

Galloping through the forest, the creature was on par with a running Bella. She was running away in fright over the entire scene that had occurred.

It was all a big mess.

Everything was a mess with Bella.

prey to a predator Where stories live. Discover now