can the real slim shady please stand up?

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All you other Slim Shadys are just imitatingSo won't the real Slim Shady please stand upPlease stand up, please stand up?

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All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating
So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up
Please stand up, please stand up?

Hey hun, what can I do for you?"

"Hi my name is Elizabeth Rosenthall, my grandma was just admitted?"

"Rosenthall...let me check the system for you sweetheart. It's says she is admitted to room 402, and you said you are her granddaughter?"

"Yes I am. My sister, Elena should be here soon too can you please direct her to the room as well?"

"Sure, I will send her up as soon as she checks in." Said the nurse at the front-reception of Forks Hospital.

Aurora was lingering through the hospital wings for that exact opportunity. She put on her nicest smile and grabbed some sympathy's flowers and went straight up to the same nurse.

"Hi, I am Elena Rosenthall. My grandmother was just admitted."

"Oh yes sweetheart, I just sent your sister to her room. It's room 402 just down the hall and up the elevators."

"Oh thank you so much!"

Aurora passed the reception, quite proud of her diversion. However, this was Forks General. You could fool anybody in here so it was not her biggest accomplishment. She made her way to the fourth floor and passed her pretend-grandmothers room to patient history. The room was locked by a simple lock-key mechanic. It was not a super complicated. Aurora was able to jimmy the lock with her handy-dandy "jimmy-the-lock" tools she had thought just for this very occasion.

Entering the dusty room she located the "S" column and found the exact file she was looking.

Swan, Isabella Marie

Age: 19

Admitted; unconscious;

Injuries: broken leg, four broken ribs, a cracked skull, bruises; extensive blood loss.

Aurora read through her sisters file as the list of injures got more extensive but what was most exciting element was the doctor on file: Carlisle Cullen. She quickly scanned over the file for any other inquiries. Aurora ripped out the page of injuries from the file and discreetly made her way to the personal room to get the inside scoop on Dr. Cullen.

Unbeknownst go Aurora, the head nurse, Nurse Ruth was informed of an imposter, who was going by the name Elena Rosenthall. Unfortunately for Aurora she was seen stepping outside the Patient History file cabinets by the head nurse and two security guards.

"That's her! Get her!"

"Well shit."

Aurora ran as fast she could to the nearby exit. There was a nurse walking past when a food cart in her path that she quickly took advantage off. She took the food cart and tipped it over so that the security guards would have a harder time to get to her and give her a head start to exist the hospital.

"Miss get back here.!"

Aurora ran until she hit a wall and took a left. The hospital, albeit small was a goddamn maze and it was frustrating her. Thinking for a moment she quickly ducked into a nearby patients room to recuperate her thoughts.

As she stayed hidden the guards past by the patients room. Luckily for Aurora, the patient was asleep, making it one less person she would have to deal with. Before, she had used the flowers to cover her face to make sure the security cameras didn't see her but now she didn't have much, she was risking a ton and given that her father was the Chief of police in Forks was not helping her situation.

Trying to figure out the situation she noticed that the patient's room she was in had a small window that looked out towards the forest.

"I'm not jumping out the window. There has to be another way!"

"Who are you and what are you doing in my husband's room?"



Before Aurora could even mention anything the old women was dashing outside her husbands room screaming for the guards.

"Motherfucker." Aurora thought to herself, knowing her only other choice was to jump out the window. She looked around the room once more and spotted the wife's scarf on a chair next to her husband's bed.

"She is in there. Someone is my Albert's room."

Aurora could hear in the distance, with footsteps running and coming closer to her location. She quickly took the scarf and wrapped around her face and went straight to the window. Before doing so she barricaded herself in the room by angling a chair under the doorknob to buy herself some time.

"What's wrong!"

"The lock is locked!"

"Break the glass!"

She could hear the guards talking outside. Aurora tried to open the window but the latch was not allowing to do. She had no other option but to break the window. Looking down she was not too far off the ground. She could easily use the ridges on the side of the building to climb down to a safer height and jump from there.

Years and years of training allowed the vampire hunter to gain strength to perform actions that would otherwise be extremely fatal to the human body.

"Where did she go?"

"Where the hell is she!"

The security guards exclaimed after breaking down the door and inspecting the patients room. All they could see was an empty window and glass all over the floor.

The fake Elena Rosenthall had disappeared the same way she had appeared. It was as she never existed.

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