easy as taking candy from a toddler

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allmighty sword kill my enemies, my friends and doom my soul for you corrupt me with your edged fire

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allmighty sword kill my enemies, my friends and doom my soul
for you corrupt me with your edged fire


"What about it?"

"How much do you know about it?"

"It's a small town outside Seattle, the population is limited. Nothing remotely interesting about the town."

"If that's all you know then you know NOTHING!

Useless and pathetic! And here I thought your mind-numbing idiocy wouldn't sink any lower."

"It's home to one of the only two vegetarian vampire settlements." A third voice replied. The two voices turned their heads towards the third voice. It echoed as the doors to the meeting chambers were thrown open at the same time.

The figure was cloaked under its hood of darkness, it's sword hung on its side. The blade had ancient history etched into its silvery form. The blade was carried by some of the most ruthless hunters that walked the earth in their native forms and now it clung to the hip of its current owner, Azrael.

Each hunter had their own unique name that they carried. They picked their own battle name to protect their identity and sear fear into their enemies bloody eyes when their name was muttered. For fear of the name only increases fear of the thing itself.

Azrael was famous in the world of the supernatural. Everyone under the ember sky knew of Azrael and their feats. To not know would only mean you are nothing but an ordinary worm that lives beneath the soil in absolute vacuum. 

"Azzy! So nice of you to join us! How was the party?"

"Bleak. He didn't put much of a fight. Jonny boy would be happy to know the vamps are losing their touch."

"How marvellous!" The second voice chimed in, although with a sarcastic tone.

"Problem, Azura?"

"No of course NOT! Who would ever have a problem with the golden child."

Azrael took a few steps toward the insulting other. It was a brawl waiting to happen since neither Azrael nor Azura liked each other. 

"Now, now Azzy let's not be rash hm?"

"Your wish is my command." Azrael replied with a slight condescending tone.

"Hm, ever so loyal. Whatever shall I do without you Azzy? Azura be a dear and get out. We are quite done."

"What about the mission?"

"I'm assigning it to Azzy since they are more familiar with the area."

"Of course they are! Of course you are...."

Azura left the chamber, mumbling words of disdain towards their own fellow.

"So Forks?"

"Don't tell me you don't miss your own papa?"

"I do. But, since when do you care?"

"Since the settlements left the town."

"Don't mind me saying this Luci, you wouldn't be interested in Forks in a million years even if it was raining vampire fangs. So, What's. The. Interest?"

"The settlement has managed to piss off a nomad. And now the nomad is targeting the settlement's only weakness."

"Which is a what?"

"Not a what per say Azzy, more like a who. How much do you know of blood singers and mates?"

"Blood singers are basically candy for toddlers and mates are soulmate-fairy-tale."

"Well done Azzy. You are not wrong! However, the candy in this situation happened to catch the eye of the nomad's mate. The toddler, who wasn't too keen on sharing, erased the mate's miserable existence.

But to kill only one of a mate pair is the most criminal. Imagine being gifted ever-lasting love but to be ripped away from you. You are doomed a meaningless existence for the rest of your life."

"So the nomad wants revenge?"

"See, this! THIS IS WHY YOU ARE MY FAVOURITE AZZY! You catch on. You aren't dumb."

"Gee thanks Luci. Ten years of service and the only thing that sets me apart is my massive intellect."

"Don't be downtrodden you will get wrinkles and you know plastic surgeons aren't cheap. You should see the bill I just got from Dr. Sergio for my treatment. It was only a bucchal-

"Get. To. The. Point. Luci!"

"Oh yes my bad. Anyway, the settlement, for some odd reason, decided to skip town....and leave the candy unprotected."

"Wait, why?"

"The toddler is very moody. So, daddy made the executive decision to move."

"You want me on a protection detail? Who even is this candy?"

"That's the fun part!"

"Luci, I'm not Azura or even Carmen give it to me straight. Who is candy?"

"That's for you to find out and for me to dot, dot, dot."

"You are a bitch Luci."

"Been called worse by better sweetheart. Now off you go, be sure to send dear old Papa my best!"

"Yes of course Luci, I'll let him know my vampire hunter spiritual guid sends their utmost best!"

And with that statement Azrael bowed and made their way out of the chamber. It was a long day and Luci's incessant dramatic overtones were not quite helping in the slightest towards Azrael's headaches.

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