sad? for boy? Ew.

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tears for lost lovefor unrequited lovefor a broken lovetears have meanings

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tears for lost love
for unrequited love
for a broken love
tears have meanings

It was a few days after Aurora had arrived that she was starting to understand the full scope of the situation. Bella's depressive episode about her boyfriend was truly baffling to Aurora because how can a broken heart be so painful. How can love, an abstract feeling truly destroy a a human spirit? Was the question Aurora wondered.

It was a gracious morning that Aurora had decided to spend it with Charlie before he left for work.

"Good morning Charlie."

"Morning kiddo."

"How did you sleep?"

"If you heard the screams you know I didn't."

"Oh, Bella screamed last night again?"

"You didn't hear Rory? I swear sometimes you can sleep through an earthquake kid."

"Yeah... an earthquake for sure!" Aurora lord straight through her teeth. The truth of the situation was that Aurora was out in the cover of night hunting for the vagabond vampire whose scent kept tracking through town.

Aurora hadn't had the time to sort through most of the minute details within the situation of the mate and the settlement's weakness. What she knew was that a vampire was stalking her home in the late of the night and she was determined to find out why. 

Clad in her onyx cloak and iron grips, a stride her mounted horse she chased the vampire through the green and luscious forests of Seattle. She rode like the wind, knowing the darkness would shelter her from unwanted attempted, determined to rid the world of another blood-thirsty monster.

But, this redhead foe was no regular vampire. She was a heartbroken vampire that had nothing left to lose, the most dangerous motive of all. The lone vampire was out for blood and revenge, and she was not simple destroyed by a singular nights work of measly cowardice.  The vampire gave quite a challenge to Aurora during the nigh, however the battle was not lost. It was only the beginning.

"Kiddo? You okay there?"

"Yeah, yeah lost in thought."

"You sure looked like it. Thought I lost you there for a minute."

"Oh Charlie, you know you are never going to lose me!"

"Yeah..sure." Charlie said with a heartfelt smile and took a seat at the kitchen table with his coffee and newspaper tucked around his arm.

"So tell me kiddo, how is it back at the Academy? Still trying to cure cancer, with all the money they are sucking out of your parents account I wouldn't be surprised."

"Funny you should mention that Charlie, cause professor Lucinda is actually working on just that serum!"

"Quit yanking my chain kid!"

"Hahah...sorry Charles."

"Hey! It's Charlie to you. My great-grandfather was Charles. I am Charlie, I'm cool, I'm hip!"


"You know what I mean!"

"Sure I do! You are hip Charlie!"

"Remind me why I let you back into my house."

As the two continued to light-heartedly banter against each other a dark shadow was cast on their morning coffee.

"Bella you are up?" Charlie exclaimed, surprisingly.

"Yeah...I heard voic-voices and yeah."

"Well the more the merrier Bella! Come join us. I'll make you a cup!" Aurora said with a chirp, gaining an eye roll from Bella.

"Oh and Bella I thought I could drive you to school today? And check out the place too?"

"Why?" Bella replied bitterly.

"Well I thought it would be fun to spend some time with my favourite sister and see Forks High."

" are not my real sister." Bella mumbled quietly. However, it was loud enough for both Charlie and Aurora.

"Isabella!" Charlie spoke up. He was okay giving in to Bella's episodes but he drew the line at evil thoughts. Charlie's boundaries were especially related negative comments related to Aurora and Bella knew this. She knew it was a sore topic for both Aurora and Charlie. She deliberately decided to cross the boundary to get a rise out of the both of them. 

"It's okay Charlie. Bella is just going through a rough spot. It's fine."

"Don't you go to a private school far away from here? So why are you here? To gloat?" Bella replied coldly.


"Charlie it's okay...Bella I was thinking of transferring. I miss Charlie and being so far is hard."

"So daddy's money finally ran out huh? The blood money couldn't fund your lavish life style anymore, huh?"

All the last syllabus of her statement Aurora's smile faltered a tad. It was as if her mask was fading slowly. Bella was many things but conniving and cruel was not one of them. This was what surprised Aurora the most. The whole change in her personality all over a boy.

"That is enough Isabella! You are grounded until you make a heartfelt apology to your sister. Go back to your room."

Mumbling a few choices words Bella ran back to her room, to suffocate the rest of her thoughts back into the void she had create for herself. 

"I am so sorry Aurora. I don't what to do anymore. I don't know..."

Aurora could see the sadness plastered over Charlie's face. Bella was breaking him. Her actions and words were enough to cause him pain. She couldn't let that happen. Aurora loved Charlie, as a father, that was missing from her life.

"I am here to help Charlie. Don't worry."

"Come here kiddo."

Charlie engulfed Aurora in a warm hug. Holding her tight Charlie whispered, "don't listen to her. Your parents would have been extremely proud of you Rory."

"Thanks Charlie."

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