seashells by the seashores

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bloom in the darkest moments sunshine finds a way

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bloom in the darkest moments
sunshine finds a way

"BELLA!" Charlie shouted to his shell of a daughter, who was mourning after the departure of her high-school boyfriend.


"I've been calling, didn't you hear me kiddo?"

No answer came to Charlie's aid.

"Rory is going to be here soon and I was wondering if you wanted to get dressed and come greet her?"

No answer yet again form Bella. Charlie towards his daughter and knelt in-front of her. Bella was sitting in her office chair, gazing past her window to the forest outside her window. The same forest that Edward left her in. The same forest that had swallowed her happy life away from her. Charlie looked at her emotionless face and held his daughter's hand.

"Bells please... you are worrying me."

Bella looked at her own father and all she could see was black and white. Her vision was comprised. Her tears had left no mercy leaving her, removing all forms of joy and colour from the Swan girl's life. All Bella could do was muster up a half-assed smile, with a tear rolling down her cheek and mumble something along the lines that once Aurora reaches she will come downstairs.

"Bella, sweetie, please. Bella I am worrie-"

Suddenly the front door was opened and closed. Aurora was home. Charlie's oldest daughter was home. Aurora was Charlie Swan's adopted daughter but nevertheless he never treated her like anything less than his very own. He never loved as anything less. In fact there were moments when Aurora was more like a daughter to Charlie than Bella, even though that would be such a cruel thing to confess. However, the truth is not for the weak hearted because the truth can be stranger than fiction at times.

Charlie looked at Bella own more time before sighing and getting up to leave her domain. He left the door partially opened on his way and proceeded to go downstairs to welcome his oldest home.

"Rory!" Charlie yelled from the stop of the stairs as he got closer to his strawberry-blond daughter.

"Hey dad!" She gleamed from the entrance with her bag in hand. She looked just like the last time Charlie saw which was more than a year ago. She was still the same freckled face, strawberry-haired Aurora she always was.

If anything Charlie could always count on Aurora to always be there for him. And vice-versa.

Charlie hugged his daughter and didn't let her go for a while.

"Missed me huh, dad?"

"Well, when you go gallivanting around the world I am going to miss you red!"

Charlie still did not let go of his embrace from Aurora. He was stifling little cries while holding her to his chest. "I missed you." He whispered through his tears.

"I missed you too."

Charlie let go from his embrace to properly look at his oldest daughter. She looked positively beaming with a light that shined from her. Charlie was positive if anyone could help Bella it would be Rory.

Aurora had a knack to zap back a sense of sunshine back into anyone's life and Charlie had hoped that she could help Bella recover from her slumber.

"How you been kiddo?"

"Better than you dad. What's with the eye bags? Everything all right?"

"No really Rory, something is wrong."

Aurora grew concerned. With Lucifer's mission and now Charlie's concern. It could not Not be a coincidence.

"It's Bella."

"What's wrong with Bella?"

"Well, she had this boyfriend.."


"Oh hey honey. Look who is here."

Bella had finally decided to make her presence known in her own fathers home. She was dressed in her month old sweats and tattered hair as she made her way down the stairs to her pretend-sibling.

"Hi Aurora." Was all that Bella could have possible been able to muster. Her voice was course and passive with undertones of pain. This was a voice that Aurora had known way too well and she was not going to let her sister suffer the same fate.

"Hi Bells! I missed you."

Aurora immediately went to hug her sister. She didn't even think about and so she engulfed Bella in her embrace. Bella was quite hesitant at first and didn't know how to reciprocate at first. But when Aurora's hug was slowly seeping warmth back into Bella's frozen heart she soon gave in to it. She had promised herself that she wasn't going to but something about Aurora was all sunshine and daisies, making her irresistible.



"He left."

And with that Aurora Swan was soon introduced to her mission in Forks and the candy that happened to be her very own sister.

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