disorder in the court

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"And the sigil?"

"This- Aurora pointed to the mark that marked her skin- is a sigil of the hunter."

The mark an arrow pointing up, crossing a crescent half-circle.

"What does it mean?"

"It's an alchemical sign. This arrow means iron and this crescent moon, represents purification. It means to purify with iron. Harker was a mad scientist not a gifted artist."

Aurora made a light-hearted joke.

"How long have you been...been like this?"

"I was created when I was 6. I have been training and hunting since."

"Six? Isn't that when you parents..?"


There was an silence that befall the sisters.

"Bella, hunters are meant to have no weakness. So, they pick children from orphanages. When my parents died in a car crash, I was sent to the orphanage of the Sisters of the Light. But a few nights later, they sent a handful of young children to a facility so...so that...so that they can create hunters."

Bella was horrified by the sudden realization of what Aurora's life truly is. It all hit Bella like a truck. The reason she attended a different high school, the reason her university was a private school in a middle of nowhere, her non-responsive reaction to the existence of vampires. It all made sense now.

"I'm sorry Rory."

"Charlie found me in a hospital one day after a particular brutal mission. They told him I was a runaway from a group home and I was involved with the wrong people to protect their cover. I don't why Bells, but Charlie saw something and he took me in."

Aurora got up from Bella's bed and walked around the room. She didn't want Bella to see her cry.

"He gave me a home Bells, he gave me a life.

And that is my life Bella. That is the truth."

"In the forest, that was you...with the screams?"

"Of our many strengths against the vampires is a very high pitched scream. It doesn't affect any one except the vampires since they have heightened sense of hearing. It affects them the most."


"Any other questions?"

"No...I guess not."

"Good. Now explain your side, Isabella."

"Victoria is hunting me because Edward killed her mate, James and...and I think Jacob is a werewolf and everything is a mess Rory!"

Bella started hyperventilating. Recounting all the experiences was getting too difficult for her. All the emotions and feelings were stacking up on her.

"Breath Bells."

Bella suddenly turned to Aurora and hugged her. Bella always found comfort with Aurora. She was always warm and nice. And even now, knowing the truth about Aurora her feelings did not change about her sister.

"Everything is a mess Rory."

"I will be here for you Bella, always and forever. I
Will always protect you."

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