toto i have a feeling that we are not in kansas anymore

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red eyesred coatsgold bonds

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red eyes
red coats
gold bonds

Bella was in Italy, fighting for her boyfriend against the Volturi.

Aro gave the order.

Bella had to die. She knew too much. She was a liability.

Bella had to die.

Demetri held back Alice. Santiago held back Edward and Felix was to dispatch of Bella.

Suddenly, the big oak doors were thrown open. And walked in a vampire hunter.

All the vampires in the room looked visibly vexed. All vampires except one, Marcus Volturi.

Marcus Volturi had lost his mate centuries ago. He was doomed to spend eternity alone, begging Death for his sweet arrival but he was always robbed of his opportunity. Marcus was in a hell-loop of his own creation where he was cursed to spend every waking moment in sleep-like trance and watch the world run past him. He was a shell of a man, only feeding for sustenance and speaking when it was of the utmost necessity.

Nothing had ever grabbed his attention since his mate's death. Nothing had ever given him hope to live his immortal life. Nothing except for the monster clad in silver armour in-front of him.

The sword was the most distinguishing feature of this hunter. For everyone in the room knew it belong to one of the most ferocious, Azrael.

It was Aro, who spoke first to the uninvited guest.

"Welcome, Azrael." Aro said with a slight annoyed tone.

"Yes...welcome to your death." Caius added with nothing but fury and menace in his eyes.

The hunter, bellowed it's famous screech, which reduced each vampire to their knees. It was the hunter's greatest strength, their screech. Having the Volturi at a disadvantage the hunter lunged towards Felix.

The only other person, other than Marcus, who saw the hunter as anything but was Bella, who knew the true identity of the hunter, it was Aurora. And Bella was the only person in that whole room who the hunter cared for.

Felix, was a worthy opponent. Gifted with miraculous strength, Azrael was at an disadvantage. Still, she tried her hardest to get Bella out of that entire situation and rescue for she had promised her sister she would.

Azrael used two swords to fight against Felix, however, Felix recovered from the screech to push back against Azreal and throw the dark creature to the marble columns.

Felix lunged towards the hunter only to be stopped by the least suspecting person in that room, Marcus.

"Brother, what in hell are you doing!" Caius yelled.

Marcus held Felix by his throat. Marcus, belonged to one of my oldest families of vampires. He was not going to be bested by Felix so easily.

"Disengage." Marcus said.

"Brother?" Aro questioned.

"They are our mate." Marcus replied.

"Impossible!" Caius exclaimed.

What no one knew in the vampire world was that the three kings were as lonely as it got. Their respective marriages had shambled years ago making their lives quite lonely. It was only twenty something years ago that Marcus hinted at the possibility of a potential mate that was bound to the three of them. But, over the years the golden thread had quivered exponentially that they gave up on the idea of ever meeting their mate.

Aro was astounded at the sudden realization of the magnitude of Marcus's words. Caius, on the other had a softened expression than before. And Marcus, had a look of peace. All these centuries of pain were over for him. They all had found their other half that no one of them quite cared about their mate being a hunter.

However, Azrael cared. Bound to three vampires was going to make her a really, really bad vampire hunter.

The creature slowly rose from its position and started to back away from all the three vampires that had made them way toward it. Their expression had a sort of worried and adoration plastered in some shape or form.

Azrael was not ready for this realization.

Azrael was not ready for love.

Azrael was not ready to be vulnerable.

Azrael was not ready.

"Please, do not back away." Marcus begged.

"Let us talk Azrael." Aro said.

"It will all right darling." Caius reassured.

But, it was too late for a raven-horse rode in with such ferocity in the throne to save its master. The three kings were far late to stop it from happening.

Azrael, a-bound their saviour rode off away from the whole city of Volterra.

Aro immediately ordered Demetri to use tracking abilities to hun down the hunter.

It was as-if the supernatural balance was corrected.

The hunter had become the hunted once again.

Now, all the attention was back to the Cullen siblings and their human. However, their situation was a lot worse than before since they had to deal with the three kings wrath, who had just lost their mate.

Caius, immediately went for the seeker. He held Alice by her throat and lifted her from the ground.

"Who?" He asked simply.

"I...don't..know. I haven't seen them."


Jane used her powers over Alice so that Caius could extract every last bit of information he could.

Alice's scream were painful. Alice was not a stranger to torture and pain. Jane's power brought back the same pain she had felt in her past. And it was an incredibly painful thing to be reminded of.

"Please!" Alice begged the three kings for any form of mercy they could muster.

"Jane dear a moment." Aro replied. He walked up to Alice, who was now on the floor, crying and shaking.

"Tell us."

"I do not know Master Aro. Please. I cannot-"

Before she could finish Jane started her gaze back on Alice. She wanted her masters to feel happiness and love and if she had to torture Alice to oblivion she would.

"Jane." Marcus softly spoke this time. "Continue Alice."

"I cannot see the hunters. They are an imbalance to nature. I cannot see their true intentions."

Having being offended that their mate was called an imbalance to nature, Marcus had to physically restrained Caius from decapitating Alice.

"You may leave Cullens."

"Aro NO!" Caius exclaimed. He was positive that the Cullen's must know something about their mate.

"One moment brother. However, my young friends your family will be placed on close watch if we find that you are hiding our mate from us it will be the end of the Cullen clan."

Aro spoke in a cold manner that made his threat ever more terrifying. Aro had a dark expression on his face. It was obvious that his sadness from his mate's rejection was now slowly morphing into anger and his degree was the extent of his mercy towards the Cullen.

"Oh and Bella is to be turned within the year." He added. Edward couldn't not argue with the kings seeing their fragile and volatile states.

"Now, Get. Out!" It was Marcus, who roared this time.

The Volturi's mate was found. Sound the alarms.

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