exception not the rule

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a dream within a dreamwithin a dream within a dream

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a dream within
a dream
a dream
a dream

It had been days since Aurora had met her mates. She returned to the academy and went straight to Lucifer.

She declared that she needed a few days to recuperate and was off. No more missions for her for a while. Lucifer obliged her, given that this was the first time she had asked to be marked off.

Aurora wrote a letter to Charlie, saying she was needed for an important project and left to go back to her school.

When all her alibis were sorted she went to her room at the academy and took her armour off and placed them in their designated spot. She then took of her robe, her swords and then rest of her clothes.

She changed into some comfortable clothing and sat on the floor in her room. She huddled into a corner, under a window and cried.

Her loves, the people she was destined to love were he blood-sworn enemies. The very things she was programmed to hate and kill. How could she ever love them! She exclaimed.

How could she ever be near them and not hurt them! She thought to herself.

Aurora had a million questions about her mates. However, she had no answers for any of her questions. Her anxiety sky-rocketed. Her pain followed suit.

Aurora had shed Azrael's carefree, emotionless skin and was letting herself feel her emotions fading in her body.

"Don't cry darling."

Aurora looked up to see Lucifer sitting on her bed. Aurora was quite used to Lucifer's randomly popping in and out of her line of sight.

"I'm not in the mood for company Luci."

"Did you talk to them?"


"Don't pretend you didn't hear me Azzy. You know our dynamic only works when you listen to me and answer the qus-"

"You knew?"

"Azzy, of course I knew."

Aurora was dumbfounded. On one hand she wanted to slaughter Lucifer but on the hand she wanted to know why they made her jump through all these hurdles when all the answers could have been just given to her!


"You shield yourself Azzy. If I told you, you have gone out of your way to never meet them ever again, you would have done everything in your power to avoid them until the day you die."

"That wasn't your choice to make Luci!"

"No, it wasn't. But, it is not yours either Azzy."


"They had to meet you. They had to choose as well. They choose to accept you, you choose to reject them. You ruined it."

"Gee, thanks Luci."

"Did you talk to them?"

"Lucifer, look at me! I am a daughter of Azrael, I am programmed to kill them and what if I am in the same room as them and then I do..I do something I regret?"


"What then Luci? I live my miserable life with the guilt of having killed my own fucking mates!"

"Azzy. Listen to me. You are not programmed to kill. You are an anomaly in the anomaly. You different and that is why you are mated to them."

"What do you mean I am an anomaly to the anomaly?"

"You will figure it out in time."

"Damn you Lucifer."

"Tried once and it didn't stick."

"I hate you."

"Hmm, no you don't. You love me Azzy."

"So, what now?"

"You need to get up, get showered and go for a ride with Shadow. Go clear your head. The woods are safe, no sighting of any Volturi guards."

When Aurora didn't reply Lucifer said,



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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