leash your dogs, its the law.

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The dog was in Bella's room, trying to tell her about the Shifters but getting around his Alpha's order was extremely difficult

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The dog was in Bella's room, trying to tell her about the Shifters but getting around his Alpha's order was extremely difficult.

Aurora was getting quite sick from the teenage melody of love confession happening between the two. And her wish was granted when she heard the puppy jump out through Bella's window, leaving her to wonder about all the obvious clues he had give her about his condition.

Aurora knocked on Bella's door. This was deja-vu all over again. Aurora was supposed to be on protection detail but somehow that had morphed into a full on babysitting/Bella's physical therapist job.

Bella had told her about the Cullen's being vampires and the James' incident but Aurora suspected that she was leaving a few, crucial details out of the whole story and Aurora had just about reached the end of her patience.

So, she knocked again. This time Bella responded, "I am busy."

Aurora decided to barge into her room and end this whole ordeal in one night.

"Aurora I said I am busy!"

Bella screamed out but once she fully took in her sister's appearance she was shocked.

Aurora was wearing a black corset, with leather pants. She had a two swords that clung to her hips, they were long and scratched the floor as she walked. Her arms were bruised and her faces had scars. She had a sigil that looked like it was burned into her skin, on her left side. It was peaking out from her top.


"Cut the shit Isabella, what the fuck are you not telling me."

"You...you were the thing on the horse."

"I don't like repeating myself so I will ask again. What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Not. Telling. Me?"


Aurora was suddenly shocked by her sister's sudden reaction. Apparently, Isabella Swan had finally grown a backbone. Aurora didn't know whether to be proud or annoyed. So, she was proudly annoyed.

"Everybody is lying to me and showing up in bruised conditions so for once Aurora you tell me what the hell is going on!"

"Alright sister. I will tell you my side of the story as long as you promise to tell me the whole truth of yours. And nothing but the truth Bella. This is serious."

"Okay...but you go first."

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