Part 2: Giving Chase

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Robin Pov:

After dealing with the Joker's little trap, me and Batman begin our little goose chase for the Clown Prince of Crime.

Batman: Everywhere that madman goes, death is sure to follow!

Robin: We'll get him Bruce - but we've got to be strategic about this. We don't have any clue about what Joker's got planned.

Batman: When did you get so calm?

Robin: I'm not calm - I'm just ready to be rid of that demented clown, whether or not we have to kill him or not.

Batman: Y/n...

Robin: He hurt my girlfriend Bruce, I know we don't kill - but what am I supposed to do with myself if Barbara can't walk or run anymore!?

Batman: Just remember, we'll stop him.

I start breathing and letting my anger out.

Robin: Ok - let's get him.

We start running around Intensive Treatment hoping to break a little distance between us and Joker - only a few of Joker's goons get in our way, and neither of us brought any gadgets with us. Just a couple of Batarangs and Shurikens, luckily we don't need them for guys like this.

Robin: That was easy.

Batman: A little too easy.

We look at the monitors to see Joker's goons and some escaped inmates from Blackgate running around - until we hear a guard call our names.

Officer Eddie Burlow: What happened?

Batman: Joker happened.

Robin: And you're lucky to be alive.

Officer Eddie Burlow: He must have gone this way! Door's jammed. I'll try and get it open.

Officer Eddie Burlow attempts to get the door opened until he gets a call from one of his men.

Officer(Radio): We need help in Pacification. I repeat. We need backup in Pacification. Can anyone hear this?

Eddie Burlow: Can you hear me? I'm with Batman and Robin. Hello?

Batman: Where are they?

Eddie Burlow: Back down there. Do you two need help?

Batman: No, we work better alone.

Robin: For now try getting this door opened.

Officer(Radio): Zsasz is free. Oh God. He's got Mike.

The next thing we hear is the officer screaming.

Eddie Burlow: Franklin. Can you hear me? If you can, help's on the way.

Robin: Batman I got Zsasz, you go after the Joker.

Batman: You sure?

Eddie Burlow: He's pretty insane.

Robin: He's never met me - I should be fine.

I begin running towards Pacification to help with Victor Zsasz, and it's gonna be tricky right off the bat - just because I've read his file and he's said to kill anyone no matter what problem's in his way, even if it were a Bat and a Bird. Along the way I contact Oracle(Barbara Gordon) to let her know what's going on.

Robin: Oracle, can you hear me?

Oracle(Comms): Loud and clear. What's up?

Robin: Joker's escaped custody once again. He's running free in Arkham.

Oracle(Comms): Do you need anything? Is my dad still there?

Robin: Your father's safe. Joker's not far ahead, me and Bruce are splitting up. I'll stay in contact.

Batman and Robin: Arkham Asylum x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now