Part 11: Harley Quinn

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Last time in our story, Batman finds Robin and Warden Quincy Sharp on the hunt for Joker in the Penitentiary, only to get even more bad news from the Clown Prince of Crime as Joker lets loose the more insane Inmates of Arkham to hunt the whole Island for the Dynamic Duo. Batman, now reunited with Robin, goes around Penitentiary to find Harley Quinn, until she leads our heroes into on heck of a trap. Now Harley Quinn gets what she deserves as the Caped Crusaders plan to rid themselves of one crazy clown for tonight.

Robin Pov:

Arkham Staff: Patient pacification system deactivate

After Batman gets us out of the situation with an electric charge going up from our feet, we get back onto the main floor and go over to the gate where Harley Quinn was last.

Robin: So she went this way. Time to teach one Harleen Quinzel a lesson. [Cracks knuckles]

Batman: Think strategic about this, Robin.

Robin: Huh?

Batman: She's obviously leading us into a trap. So we should be cautious about our next move.

Robin: Okay. Yeah, just letting my personal feelings loose after she kidnapped me.

We go forward into the room and once again one of those crazy Inmates comes running at us, and this time I'm ready. I grab him by the neck and toss him down onto the ground, and then plant my foot into his head.

Batman: Good work.

Robin: Not gonna let what happened before happen again.

Suddenly another one appears, and this time Batman takes him down repeating the same method he did last time.

Robin: How many of these guys is Joker going to throw at us?

Batman: Plenty.

We once again go through one of the scanner doors and make our way to the Guard Room, which if I had to guess is where Harley Quinn is. We slowly walk into the room where we see a Guard hanging from a rope attached to one of the pipes over some liquid which has wires in them. We go to work on getting him free, until we see Harley Quinn on the other side of some glass and impressed with herself.

Harley Quinn: Look who's finally turned up! The Caped Losers themselves! How's it hanging, heroes? Got a little problemo for ya! See those 2 guards over there?

We look over to the Guards, and Harley's right. There are 2 Guards, both tied up and hanging over electrified water.

Harley Quinn: I know. Shocking! How ya going to save them?

Robin: Got any ideas?

Batman: The Cryptographic Sequencer. There's a switch over there. See if you can use it to turn the water off.

I walk over to the switch and begin using the Cryptographic Sequencer to try and turn the water off, but get interrupted by Harley Quinn.

Harley Quinn: Wow, that's a nice toy you've got there, Boy Blunder. Can I have one?

Robin: Nope.

I get the water turned off for the first switch, and luckily it turns off the water for one of the Guards.

Harley Quinn: No fair, that's cheating, Birdy. Time to turn up the pressure. 2 minutes and counting.

I toss the Cryptographic Sequencer over to Batman and throw one of my Shurikens at the rope to cut the first Guard down.

Harley Quinn: One down, one to go. A girl could have hours of fun with a toy like that.

Robin: Just focus on the Sequencer, Batman. I'll give you your present when you're done.

Batman and Robin: Arkham Asylum x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now