Part 3: To Medical

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Robin Pov:

After making it out of Intensive Trreatment me and Batman find our way into this little cave and see an amazing view of the Asylum. It was amazing - and it would've continued to be if not for all the chaos Joker's trying to cause.

 It was amazing - and it would've continued to be if not for all the chaos Joker's trying to cause

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Robin: The view doesn't look half bad.

Batman: Let's go, we've got a police Commissioner to save.

Robin: And a psychotic clown to stop.

We glide down and begin exploring Arkham Island, and I stand to my point. You've got the Botanical Gardens and the Arkham Mansion on the East side of the island, then on the South side you've got the Penitentiary and the Medical Facility, and finally on the North side there's Intensive Treatment which is where we came from. As we're gliding down, Joker's voice turns on the Intercoms.

Joker(Speaker): Hmm. Harley tells me that Batman's car and Robin's bike are still parked just outside of the Intensive Treatment building. Now, we can't just have them up and leave us, can we? Every thug, villain, murderer and kindergarten teacher that isn't carrying out party orders should head there and smash them to pieces.

Robin: He had better not touch my bike.

Batman: Oracle, disable the Batmobile's and Birdbike's countermeasure systems!

Oracle(Comms): I saw the alert, what's wrong? Where are you guys?

Robin: Just outside of the Arkham Mansion. Harley Quinn probably triggered the alarms.

Batman: And if she's still got Gordon with her, he could get hurt.

Oracle(Comms): Ok, done! The Batmobile and Birdbike are still parked up outside the Intensive Treatment building in Arkham North. I've sent you the schematics for the entire island. I've marked key locations like the car and bike.

Batman: Thanks, Oracle.

Robin: Yeah - it just feels like you're still here with us.

Oracle(Comms): I know. Look Y/n, don't blame yourself for what happened. You couldn't have known Joker was going to the apartment.

Robin: I'm not blaming myself, I just - if only I could have done more than just drive you to the hospital.

Oracle(Comms): You were there for me when I needed you, and that's all I could've hoped for.

Batman: If we had known then we've could have helped you, Barbara.

Oracle(Comms): Just go to the car and bike, worry about me later.

We manage to make it to Arkham North after dealing with more armed Blackgate prisoners, and immediately we see more prisoners smashing at both the Batmobile and the Birdbike. We start fighting thugs all around the vehicles and as soon as we inspect the vehicles for anything that will lead us to Gordon and Harley while Joker's voice comes back.

Batman and Robin: Arkham Asylum x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now