Part 9: Zsasz is back

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Batman Pov:

After dealing with Scarecrow for the second time tonight, me and Robin end up in the clock tower of the Arkham Mansion where we hear Joker's voice on the intercoms and it sounds distraught.

Joker(Speaker): Has anyone seen the Bat and/or the Bird? C'mon, someone must have seen where they've went! Big scary man and little boy? Both wear capes? Jumps out of the shadows and beats up useless thugs? Anyone? No? Good!

After clutching my head from all of the pain I endured from Crane's Fear Gas, Robin puts his hand on my shoulder once again.

Robin: You okay, Bruce?

Batman: I'm fine, Y/n. Anyway, Zsasz has Dr. Young trapped in the Warden's office. We've got to get out of here.

Robin: Okay, but one problem. The door to this place is locked.

Batman: Then we improvise.

I grab a Batarang and aim it at the clock.

Robin: Batman. Are you sure that's a good idea?

Batman: You said it yourself. The door's locked, and we need to get to Zsasz before he kills Dr. Young. This is the only way, Y/n.

Robin: Bruce, I'm sorry, but this can't be the only way. We could dive through this glass.

Batman: How would you? This is the only way we're getting out of here, and you know it. You almost lost your life due to Joker's crazed pychiatrics before, and this is no difference. If you've got a plan then I'll listen to it, but until that happens then I'm going to take this bell off of the ceiling and stop Joker at any cost.

I see Robin look at me with a confused expression on his face, and it's one I've seen throughout the years as being Batman. He then lowers his head in sorrow and for realization. He understood what I'm saying is right, but he doesn't want to believe it.

Batman: Now hold onto something, this is going to be a "very" bumpy ride.

Robin backs away and holds onto the wall, and I throw the Batarang directly to the cord to the bell and it goes tumbling down. The bell drops down onto the gate below which leads to the Warden's office, and I look down onto the ground. I then look at Robin and see him clutching onto his arm and looking down.

Robin: [Quiet] Bruce... Do you think... it was... a good idea... making me Robin?

I hug Robin and at first he was hesitant about it, but suddenly and slowly he reverts back to his former self.

Batman: If Dick or Jason or even Barbara were here right now... they wouldn't put it past their minds. You are one of the best Robins I've ever seen, and it only shows me that you're willing to put your own body in harms way to protect Gotham City and your family.

Robin then nods by my wise fatherly like words, and smiles.

Robin: Then what are we standing around here for? We've got a doctor to save and a formula to protect from Joker.

Batman: Good to have you back as your usual self.

Me and Robin jump over the edge and plummet straight down onto the floor of the Arkham Mansion. As we land we look over to where the bell fell, and it was straight on top of the gate to the East Wing Corridor.

Batman: There's one problem out of the way.

Robin: And aren't we glad we weren't under that thing, otherwise we would've been crushed.

Batman: Then let's get going.

Robin: After you, Batman.

I open the door and we make a feline for Dr. Young and Zsasz. As we make our way around a corner, we catch eye of one of Joker's thugs with what looks like a shock stick.

Batman and Robin: Arkham Asylum x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now