Part 5: Bane Of His Existence

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Robin Pov:

I had concurred my worst fear after facing Scarecrow for the first time, and now I'm walking out of the Morgue and going back on the hunt for Commissioner Gordon or so I hoped, until I run into Batman who's still sane by the looks of it.

Batman: You okay?

Robin: I don't know, I saw Gordon... and he's...

Batman: You were under Crane's influence, it wasn't Gordon.

Robin: But I saw him, he was there, Bruce.

Batman: You only saw what Crane wanted you to see, it's happened to me plenty of times.

We make our way to the same spot where Gordon was "seen" dead, only when I get there with Batman I see something or someone else completely different.

Robin: Its not Gordon...

Batman: Scarecrow's toxins must have been a pretty rough batch if he got you good.

Robin: I guess you're right.

Batman: Come on.

We follow the arrows back on Gordon's trail and are coming up to a door.

Batman: Robin, you stay behind.

Robin: Batman, we need to be together for this one. We never know what Joker's planning, and with him running the Asylum we're gonna be split up at every minute.

Batman: This is never easy though, just get out of Medical and back to the Arkham Mansion. Go find Cash and Dr. Young, before Joker gets her notes.

Robin: I guess I can do that, besides her notes are pretty important.

Batman: Exactly. I'll meet up with you when I can, Gordon's in good hands.

Robin: Yeah. Just don't go losing your life on me.

Batman Pov:

After leaving Robin to go to the Mansion, I make my way into the room and immediately see Harley Quinn holding Gordon hostage in a chair.

Joker(Speaker): Your precious Police Commissioner is just beyond the glass. Take a look! Harley's under strict instructions to kill the old man if any of my guys even thinks you're in the room. They're patrolling down there. I've told 'em all you are on the way. So here's the deal. If you can find a way to get to Harley without anyone realizing, I'll give you your next present. Fail and the old codger dies. Hell, I may even give you Harley. It looks like you could use a new sidekick.


(0:00 - 5:16)

After dealing with Bane, I get out of the Medical Facility through the sewer systems and push a button on my glove that starts up the Batmobile. Eventually Gordon and Robin meet back up with me and we start talking.

Gordon: Batman, you okay?

Batman: I'm fine, Jim. Where's Quinn?

Gordon: Gone.

Robin: She must have gotten loose while Bane was throwing you around.

Batman: Jim, we need to get you off the island.

Gordon: I'm not a rookie. I can handle myself...

Suddenly Bane comes crashing out of Medical through the wall, knocking all three of us down. Then he proceeds to walk up to me and picks me up by his hands.


Batman: No, Bane. This time I break you!

Next thing Bane knows is light starts shining off of himself and me as it appears to be the Batmobile coming full on into Bane. I kick myself out of Bane's clutches and the Batmobile hits him into the water.

Robin: Well, no more Batmobile.

Gordon: It was worth it to get rid of Bane.

Batman: Yeah, it was.

As time goes by, Me, Robin and Gordon are now heading to the docks as a boat shows up.

Batman: Jim, get back to the mainland. It's too dangerous here.

Gordon: I don't like leaving you two here.

Robin: We'll be fine, besides if what Joker's saying is true then Gotham will panic.

Batman: Robin's right. The radio claims he's planted bombs all over Gotham, so you're needed there.

The boat gets started for Gotham, only Gordon takes one final look at us and says...

Gordon: Bane called Dr. Young "bruja". What does it mean?

Batman/Robin: It's Spanish for witch.

As Gordon leaves Arkham Island to go directly to Gotham City, me and Robin prepare for another journey to stopping Joker from taking over the Asylum fully which was going to be tricky now seeing as Scarecrow, Harley Quinn, and maybe even Killer Croc are loose, and without any lead to Riddler we can't really track him down.

Batman: Oracle, go through the city's computers! Pull up all you can find on Dr. Young. We'll go through everything you find once we get to the cave.

Oracle(Comms): A Batcave? On Arkham Island?

Robin: Unfortunately. Bruce built it years ago and thought it was best to plan ahead for situations like this, and there's no time like when Joker breaks free and starts a riot on Arkham.

Oracle(Comms): How'd you two manage to keep this a secret?

Batman: It's us, remember?

Oracle(Comms): So, do you think Dr. Young's been experimenting with Venom, the same chemical that turns Bane into that animal?

Batman: Yes. We're worried. Bane seemed even more powerful than usual.

Robin: And now Joker wants the Venom, which can only be trouble.

Batman: We're heading to Dead Man's Point in Arkham North. We'll contact you once we're in the Batcave.

*Next time on Batman and Robin: Arkham Asylum
New Primary Objective: Analyze Dr. Young's research in the Batcave*

(Sorry for the short chapter, guys, I thought doing this after making the first Scarecrow encounter would be fair for Batman seeing as I had Robin take the first meeting with Jonathon Crane. Plus we got Batman vs. Bane as I expected people to vote on the most, but when I got on to look at the votes I saw none for the three choices so I just decided to go with what happens in the game and then some. Next time on the story Batman and Robin go to the Arkham Mansion to search for Dr. Young's research on the Titan Formula and maybe even after the events of that. This is williamharley0 signing off. See ya.)

Word Count: 961

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