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After dealing with Two-Face after the National Bank robbery, Y/n makes his way to the apartment that he and Barbara Gordon share. He's currently outside the room with bruises on his face and cuts on his body, luckily being covered by his clothing, ready to walk into the biggest trap he's about to get himself into.

Y/n: [Sighs; holds onto doorknob] Let's get this over with.

Y/n opens the door waiting to be grabbed into a super hug by Barbara, but what he sees is something different than what he expected. She's seen sitting in her wheelchair near the counter making something for the two. Once he sniffs the air, she turns around and puts her hand over her mouth and wheels herself over to him and envelops him into a hug, now shedding tears of pure joy.

Barbara: [Through tears] I thought I'd never see you again...

Y/n: [Strokes Barbara's hair] Like I'd leave the best thing that's ever happened to me... To be honest I was worried myself. [Walks over to the kitchen; sniffs the food] Spaghetti.

Barbara: I figured we could spend the night here and enjoy ourselves with a romantic dinner.

Y/n: I see. Well, after I schedule a meeting with your father I think we can make it happen.

Barbara: [Sarcastically] So, you're actually going to look into this new "partner?"

Y/n: It might be nice. Besides, I'm not just Batman's ever faithful sidekick, Barbara.

Y/n and Barbara share a kiss after the long night, and once it's over they just smile at one another and plant their foreheads together.

Barbara: [Whispers] Never leave...

Y/n: [Whispers] Never ever... I love you, Barbara.

Barbara: [Whispers] I love you too, Y/n.

After leaving, Y/n makes his way to the GCPD where he sees most of the officers all standing around talking about the latest festivities on Arkham Island. He makes his way to Gordon's office and sees him talking to Cash. He gives a small ahem sound, and the two look at him.

Y/n: Did I forget my invitation to this little shindig, Commissioner?

Gordon: Y/n. I didn't expect to see you here tonight.

Y/n: Well, truth be told I was about to enjoy a little romantic dinner date with Barbara. Unfortunately she told me the news.

Cash: I'd expect nothing less from Mrs. Gordon.

Gordon: Well, I think we can run things ahead.

Gordon looks over to the officers and signals an officer over to him, to which Y/n looks over to her and didn't see this turn of events coming.

Gordon looks over to the officers and signals an officer over to him, to which Y/n looks over to her and didn't see this turn of events coming

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Detective Ellen Yin(If anyone doesn't know, this is one of Batman's allies in the 2004 Tv Series The Batman that appeared on Cartoon Network.)

Gordon: Officer Wayne, meet--

Ellen Yin: [Brings out hand] Detective Yin. To be honest, I was skeptical when the Commissioner told me about a Wayne being apart of the GCPD.

Y/n: [Accepts handshake] Don't be too shocked. Last name's L/n, but after Bruce Wayne took me in I've found a liking to being called Wayne. Call it a sort of reminder that he doesn't have any family left, so he gave me a home.

Yin: L/n, huh. I've heard rumors, but I would have never suspected that the son of the L/n's was adopted by Wayne.

Y/n: Quite the tale I'll admit, but best believe. Without Bruce and Commissioner Gordon, I wouldn't be where I am today.

Yin: Then it'll be a pleasure to work with you, Y/n Wayne.

Y/n: You too, Ellen Yin.

(And that's Batman and Robin Arkham Asylum. Quite the story I'll be honest, but I bet none of you expected this for an ending. Next time we'll be going into the third game of the series, Batman Arkham City. This has been williamharley0 signing off and finally being rid of this game.)

Word Count: 630

Batman and Robin: Arkham Asylum x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now