Part 6: To the Arkham Mansion

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After dealing with Bane, the Caped Crusaders find themselves at the docks of Arkham Island and on their way to the Batcave.

Batman: Oracle, go through the city's computers! Pull up all you can find on Dr. Young. We'll go through everything you find once we get to the cave.

Oracle(Comms): A Batcave? On Arkham Island?

Robin: Unfortunately. Bruce built it years ago and thought it was best to plan ahead for situations like this, and there's no time like when Joker breaks free and starts a riot on Arkham.

Oracle(Comms): How'd you two manage to keep this a secret?

Batman: It's us, remember?

Oracle(Comms): So, do you think Dr. Young's been experimenting with Venom, the same chemical that turns Bane into that animal?

Batman: Yes. We're worried. Bane seemed even more powerful than usual.

Robin: And now Joker wants the Venom, which can only be trouble.

New Primary Objective: Analyze Dr. Young's research in the Batcave

Batman Pov:

After the fight with Bane and getting Commissioner Gordon off of Arkham Island, me and Robin prepare our journey around the island to Dead Man's Point located in Arkham North.

Robin: So, you didn't tell her about it?

Batman: About what?

Robin: Dead Man's Point. Barbara should have known this, Bruce.

Batman: Not like she could get here, not in her condition. Besides, you know why I keep most of the secrets I've made along the way as being the Batman.

Robin: Yeah, I guess you're right. But she's our I.T. Tech girl. I'm just thinking how much of a help Barb's been since being paralyzed, as much as I hate seeing her like this.

Batman: I know, but it's like she said.

Robin: I can't just believe that. I wasn't there for her, so what do you call that? Anyway it doesn't matter anymore, besides once we're done and Joker's back behind bars we can all rest a little easier.

Before going into Arkham North, we go back into Penitentiary for another one of Joker's sick meetings. Robin's taking this whole thing easy, but I know he's worried and creeped out about what Joker's got up his sleeve. This time Joker's standing up with his hand slouched on the side of the television.

Joker Tv: You're late for your appointment. Very rude. Well, seeing as you're here now, we might as well get started. Tell me about your childhood, Robin. Anything standing out? Is that a tear I see? Too painful? We'll come back to it later, then.

He mentioned Y/n this time, and he was right about the tear. Y/n when I first found him had PTSD attacks about his parents deaths, which led to nightmares that ultimately led to myself, Alfred, Dick or even Barbara going into his room at night to calm him down. The attacks continued up until Christmas Eve when Black Mask or Joker hired his 8 assassins to claim a 1,000,000, bounty(1 million) on our heads, and since then I've not once seen a single night where he hasn't gotten problems sleeping.

Joker Tv: How about Baney boy, then Bats? Bet you were shocked to see him, weren't you? Personally I was hoping he'd fold you up like a piece of paper and let me stamp you crazy, but even I don't get everything I want.

This time he aimed straight for my fight with Bane, and I've got to say I was even worried about it this time. Every single time I came face to face with him, all he's talked about is how he'd break me.

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